Ok heres the deal. There are so many mock/aspiring political parties on Armor Games. Iv'e seen Communist Party, Conservative Party etc But I've yet to see a Fascist one. ( If there is one, well my apologies).
Now moving on to why Im a supporter of Fascism. I don't mean the kind where anti-semitics go around killing innocent Jews. I'm talking Fascism Franco and Mussolini style. Intense nationalism, control of the people (after all, all governments do don't they?), and military might to show you mean business. All the pomp and grandeaur. Oh and censorship of unwanted political material. ( Trust me all forms of government do it in one way or another.) And best of all, Capitalism is accpeted and embraced.
Now I don't want to be labelled a Nazi lover or an intense anti-semitic. In fact I respect them, for all the suffering they have been true and their courage. I believe in equality for all races, except the Martians. Oh yeah and Adam Sandler always cracks me up. To clarify, Fascism does not equal to anti-semitism or hatred of any other race. Hitler hated non-Aryans but Hitler does not equal to Fascism. Mussolini was the founder of modern Fascism.
So if there is no mock up 'Fascist party' on AG I'll create one. If this post does not belong here, scrap it and I'll post it on the tavern.
Anyone offended by this material especially Germans, I do not want hatemail/insults/death threats etc. I am not aiming in creating a Fourth Reich or start a mass genocide.
Urbanisation is nescessary for development to some extent, but it does have downsides too. On a more important note, it doesn;t matter how capable the administration is, people should still retain the right to opposse them and or choose an alternative.
They do, just that the vast majority support the ruling government. I'd rather choose a successful party with a proven track record then a party that lies (they caught them on cctv) and mix up simple phrases such as saying 'make a molehill out of a mountain'. It was so laughable, podcasts were made out of them. They don't even have enough votes to put candidates in parliament. And elections are not rigged. In fact we're quite high up on the scale of corruption ratings of countries.