ForumsWEPRANP ( Armor Nationalist Party)

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ok heres the deal. There are so many mock/aspiring political parties on Armor Games. Iv'e seen Communist Party, Conservative Party etc But I've yet to see a Fascist one. ( If there is one, well my apologies).

Now moving on to why Im a supporter of Fascism. I don't mean the kind where anti-semitics go around killing innocent Jews. I'm talking Fascism Franco and Mussolini style. Intense nationalism, control of the people (after all, all governments do don't they?), and military might to show you mean business. All the pomp and grandeaur. Oh and censorship of unwanted political material. ( Trust me all forms of government do it in one way or another.) And best of all, Capitalism is accpeted and embraced.

Now I don't want to be labelled a Nazi lover or an intense anti-semitic. In fact I respect them, for all the suffering they have been true and their courage. I believe in equality for all races, except the Martians. Oh yeah and Adam Sandler always cracks me up. To clarify, Fascism does not equal to anti-semitism or hatred of any other race. Hitler hated non-Aryans but Hitler does not equal to Fascism. Mussolini was the founder of modern Fascism.

So if there is no mock up 'Fascist party' on AG I'll create one. If this post does not belong here, scrap it and I'll post it on the tavern.

Anyone offended by this material especially Germans, I do not want hatemail/insults/death threats etc. I am not aiming in creating a Fourth Reich or start a mass genocide.

One last thing. Fascism Rules!

  • 151 Replies
522 posts

hohoho we're starting to ease back into Nazism nice!

Fascism is totalitarianism. The only difference is that the people will become so brain-washed that they'll do anything for a single man who says "it is for our homeland!" The only good i can relate to it as a Leninist is the fraction of the bourgeoisie being shut out a little. But that's about it and that's only a scenario.

2,132 posts

IMO, we have this kind of thing going on here in Cali...
The Liberal ninnies who run our state want control over everything(the latest report is that they want to ban black paint on cars), and all in the name of the "new nationalism", commonly known as GLOBAL WARMING.

(for all the liberal ninnies reading this, I'm referring to "climate change&quot

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Hmmm... Mein kampf is proving to be a fascinating book. Insightful, examining the minds of one of history's most infamous men...Worth the cash.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

One more the Brazilian Fascist Party's symbol was a sigma, some symbol used in statistics. Explanation needed.

5,838 posts

One more the Brazilian Fascist Party's symbol was a sigma, some symbol used in statistics. Explanation needed.

Maybe they just liked it I mean why did the Nazi's use the swastika (apart from that they believed it symbolised the aryan race). It had made a come back in popularity in the early 20th century so it was in fashion. Maye it was the same in Brazil (though I doubt it)
3,224 posts

Right, I've just gotten hold of a copy of Mein Kampf. Now I'm going to dissect it, lambast the racist parts and analyze the rest.

Good luck. It is possibly the worst written book I have ever read. Hitler's works post 1924 are much more insightful as they have been more honed.

Succinctly, the Nazi ideology is based on bloodline and so removing the ideas of race would be removing the essence of Nazism.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Maybe they just liked it I mean why did the Nazi's use the swastika (apart from that they believed it symbolised the aryan race). It had made a come back in popularity in the early 20th century so it was in fashion. Maye it was the same in Brazil (though I doubt it)

If you say Aryan, then it would be weird. Cause the Brazilians weren't Aryans see?

Succinctly, the Nazi ideology is based on bloodline and so removing the ideas of race would be removing the essence of Nazism.

Of Course but I'm not a Nazi.... Mein Kampf is great so far, I'm lapping it up. No racist parts so far.
5,838 posts

If you say Aryan, then it would be weird. Cause the Brazilians weren't Aryans see?

I didn't mean the Brazilians were Aryan. I meant that the Nazi's used the Swastika to symblise the aryan race and so the Brazilians may have used the sigma to symbolise something they wanted or liked.
3,224 posts

Of Course but I'm not a Nazi.... Mein Kampf is great so far, I'm lapping it up. No racist parts so far.

No anti-Semitism so far?

This appears of the introduction:

''This has also given me the opportunity of describing my own development in so far as such a description is necessary to the understanding of the first as well as the second volume and to destroy the legendary fabrications which the Jewish Press have circulated about me. ''

In the first chapter he mentions race and bloodline almost instantly:

''German-Austria must be restored to the great German Motherland. And not indeed on any grounds of economic calculation whatsoever. No, no. Even if the union were a matter of economic indifference, and even if it were to be disadvantageous from the economic standpoint, still it ought to take place. People of the same blood should be in the same Reich. ''

Bloodline is of utmost importance to Nazi ideology. Without it, the rest is meaningless and serves no purpose. That's why there would be little point trying to dissect the racist parts out of it.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

No anti-Semitism so far?
This appears of the introduction:
''This has also given me the opportunity of describing my own development in so far as such a description is necessary to the understanding of the first as well as the second volume and to destroy the legendary fabrications which the Jewish Press have circulated about me. ''
In the first chapter he mentions race and bloodline almost instantly:
''German-Austria must be restored to the great German Motherland. And not indeed on any grounds of economic calculation whatsoever. No, no. Even if the union were a matter of economic indifference, and even if it were to be disadvantageous from the economic standpoint, still it ought to take place. People of the same blood should be in the same Reich. ''
Bloodline is of utmost importance to Nazi ideology. Without it, the rest is meaningless and serves no purpose. That's why there would be little point trying to dissect the racist parts out of it.

Some people are slow readers...plu I don't have alot of time, a few minutes a day to read...
3,224 posts

My first quote was the 5th sentence of the introduction.

My second quote started as the 3rd sentence of the 1st chapter.

I know some people are slow readers, but come on. I am beginning to doubt you are reading it at all.

522 posts

I feel your pain comrade FireflyIV.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ah, comrade. I searched the intro, but it does not have the senetence. The book is pure black, with red and white words and a white blurb at the back. It had a translator note but no intro. And yeah ok, skimped on second quote.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ah, just to clarify, there is an intro, just that it was written by an Abraham Foxman.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

One more thing. If you want to verify that I am not lying, ask me for sentences/ quotes. yeah.

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