Even if we only went in for the oil we as Brits and Americans have a duty to the Iraqi people to protect them from the extremeists if we went they wud Fuck it all up even worse
A friend of mine was killed over there in February 2005. Two more of my friends are over there right now. And people in Iraq are dying faster under US occupation than they were under Saddam Hussein. Under Saddam about 300,000 people died or disappeared over 30 years (10,000 a year). Since the US has occupied Iraq, about 18,000 are dying per year (using iraqbodycount.org). If we use the Iraqi Health Minister's estimate of 150,000 dead, then about 30,000 have died per year.
Iraq has become slightly more free, but not enough to justify the war. According to Reporters Without Borders, Iraq ranks 157/169 in the world in Freedom of Speech. And Freedom House calls Iraq "Not Free" in their report. 1 is the best score and 7 is the worst score in their study and Iraq scored a 6 on both Political and Social freedoms.
If we left Iraq today, nothing would be different. In fact, a new dictator would rise, and less Iraqis would be dying, and they would have about just as much freedom as they do now. There is no reason to stay there.
they way I see it they took out a fascist dictator and I ahte those guys so imhappy about that but the fact that he(bush) stayed over there all this time, it kinda feels like he doesn't want to admit to a mistake, or something and the fact that the war was started off a whim because the U.S. government was so angry they were looking for an excuse to start a war, in the middle east, and they found a picture of what looked like weapons of mass destruction over in iraq, and guess what happened half way through Bushes second term, they didn't find any, and Bush started looking like even more of an idiot, and since congress can only start a war they couldn't do anything to end the war, so now here we are bickering like its going to make a difference.
I support the war in Iraq and whether or not we were correct about our intentions the first time around, we are right about them now. General Petraus said that we are making progress in Iraq and that the Iraqi military is taking control so that we can leave and that all of the people complaining about soldiers being in Iraq can shut up. An interview with a soldier pulled from Iraq showed that the Americans in Iraq are heroes and are doing good things everyday. It is the Iraqi police force that needs to stabilize before we can leave. It is a war for making democracy in the Middle East. Thus far, Isreal is the only democratic nation in the Middle East and has been under attack since it was created. If we have to sweep through Iran and Afghanistan and do the same thing then we will. Those who don't support the war don't support democracy.
Those who don't support the war don't support democracy.
Never make a sweeping assumption like this. If I can find one person who opposes the war but supports democracy (like me for instance), then your argument is wrong.
In any event, Iraq is not even close to democratic standards. They are about as democratic as they were under Saddam Hussein. The elections have all been considered unfair, unfree, and extremely corrupt. There is little to no freedom in Iraq and people live in more fear ever since the US invasion.
first of all i never knew that there were so many smart people on the internet!!!! oh yeah and i agree with the other people. but i want you guys just to imagine something. Imagine the U.S was not so good. Bush tortures us (im not joking) he kills people with no good reason and invades another country. Iraq is the strongest people in the world and sends to look for nuclear bombs (which we dont have) and takes bush away. okay mission success!! but then they overstay their visit. everyday you live in poverty. its hot. you look out for your children and everyday there is an explosion, just like 9/11. then you do your best and try to protect your country and (even though it is wrong) you cant take it anymore and commit suicide!!! and how would you fell that iraqi citizens are over there in rich houses saying all of you are terrorist for trying to protect your country!! its all for the oil and the US are destroying the country (iraq). okay you took care of hussian but then get out!!! they are just making it worse!!!
oh yeah and i think the media could be controling us and telling us false information!!! i mean just think of it. they could tell us some false info on the news and we will believe it!!!!
Ok to all of you people who appose the iraq war, think about this one word.... security
meaning the reason we went over there was to either have a war on terrorism or at first free the iraqees from saddam hussien EVEN THOUGH Saddam Hussien is killed there is still their followers just like the old nazi leaders of WWII out there RIGHT NOW we are winning in iraq if you complain like
waa 5000 people were killed in it!!!
compare it to vietnam and all of our other wars dumbys THE STUPIDEST REASON: would be to quit while we are winning
oh yeah and i think the media could be controling us and telling us false information!!! i mean just think of it. they could tell us some false info on the news and we will believe it!!!!
lol. you are just now figuring that out?
They all are democratic (except fox) They all hate dubya (even though it is the LEGISLATIVE branch (all democrats) who control making laws) They all get whoever they WANT to be senate, president etc. They all APPOSE the war in Iraq even though we are winning " " believe in global warming " " are left wing radicals
im so sick of people saying we're their for oil. If we were their for it gas would be so much cheaper and The thing is...Iraq has no oil, at least not any to fight over. We get alot of our oil from Kuwait and the Saudis. In fact thw Kuwaiti actually gave ius free oil until Saddam was Hung. I think that now after we've done all this stuff we need to take responsiblity and stay, if we dont Al-Qieda thinks they have won, and I care about and support our Men and Women over their fighting.