A friend of mine was killed outside of Fallujah in ealry 2005, so I totally understand everyone's worry. It's not fun to loose a friend who just turned 20 years old.
im so sick of people saying we're their for oil. If we were their for it gas would be so much cheaper and The thing is...Iraq has no oil, at least not any to fight over.
Wrong on so many levels. Many of President Bush's friends have scored major contracts in Iraq to fix oil pumps, drills, and factories (Cheney and Halliburton for example). It has nothing to do with price, it's about Bush's close buddies doing business over there. And Iraq produced 1 million barrels a day before the fall of Saddam. That is a LOT of oil to fight over.
no its not alot considering we had/have oil deals in a much more oil rich place and we are not being fined or taxed for it IE KUwait, or Saudi Arabia all of whome GWs friends and Cheney all have deals there. And what if the pres and VP didnt have those connections? wat would be the reason then?
Well, we went to war to "stop Osama Bin...I mean Saddam Hussein" and to dispatch the WMDs. We have taken down Saddam Hussein and have found there are no WMDs in Iraq. BUsh has even said "Mission Accomplished" 5 years ago. Therefore, we are no longer in Iraq for any reason, and the longer we stay, the more unstable it becomes.
I want to know if any of you users even have a personal stake in the war. I do, I'm in the NAVY. I've been there, bought the t-shirt.
To start, it makes me sick that we are still there. I know several shipmates and soldiers who have died there. What is most disturbing, is that they stopped wanting us there less than a month that Saddam was caught and killed. They repeatedly tell my brothers over there to leave. It's not that they are hostile, we have just outstayed our welcome.
We went over there with a 60-40 goal base. 40 - pave the road for business, oil, and control. 60 - retaliate against a dictator that tried to kill his daddy. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for killing a son-of-a-b!@#$ if he goes after my father. But, not at the cost of human life. Its unacceptable.
Oh, and, please, don't anyone ask me how it was or anything of the sort concerning Iraq.
unless you have actually been in the war, i dont really think any of you have any room to say anything.. i have numerous friends, and a few brothers there.. so if you havent been dont speak..