Are you sick of those guys that jump into your World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc. thread that say something like...
"Lol, this is just gonna end up being a christianity vs evolution thread. Lol, I like cows, Lol." Or Christianity vs Atheists.
It gets very annoying and they are probably just looking for points. It's not a neccesary comment to make. It is spam I want to kill everyone that says it...twice.
-Crackdown On Spammers. (COS) or not...
Now before you try and be funny and say this is going to be another Christianity vs Evolution thread, think about it. It won't be funny and This is a serious thread...kind of.
I have seen several comments like this in the past couple threads I have looked at. Seriously take a look around. They are there, go look for them! Go, Go!
Sorry if it was indirect. I just wanted to see if anyone has seen a thread thread with the crazy Christianity vs Evolution spammers. And what their opinion is on it.
Well, ceder, it wasn't bad spam. He was just asking what we were supposed to be talking about.
And I hate those people who all they say is that the thread is gonna end up like whatever. It doesn't contribute anything to the topic and just makes some people who are on topic get mad and go off topic saying how mad they are, spreading the off-topicness.
And "Lol, I like cows. Lol."? :P Never seen them say that, usually all they say is the thread's gonna end up like another Christianity vs. Evolution thread.
It does make me mad, but I don't want to kill them twice like a certain someone here. (looks at ceder)
Lol, this is just gonna end up being a christianity vs evolution thread.
I believe I'm the only person who ever said that. I think I only said it once...maybe twice. Why is it annoying? I don't think I ONLY posted that in those posts.
Lol, I like cows. Lol.
I really wish this forum had a rule against flaming...
I agree with you. I've been mostly inactive for months, because I realized how pointless this all was. I kept on checking the forums, wishing, hoping that there would be something interesting to read and discuss. But now this forum is over populated with the bouts between creationists and evolutionists. There's no goddamn point! If you really want to learn about religion, go to a church! If you want to learn about science, go to a museum! If you want to convert people, become a friggin missionary! But why would you spend hours, wasting your life arguing with people who have told you time and time again that they think you're wrong and they're right. Why not just accept what is? Why not just wait? If God is proved real, then everyone will believe. If he's proved false, then nobody will. That's all there is to it.
ooh ooh, I can answer that hojoko. Because it's fun I once had a long argument (in real life) with a Christian about murder. Apparently, he thought all killing was murder. It was just a totally different way of thinking, that it was interesting to hear why he thought it, and try to figure out any flaws in his thinking (or find a way in which he thought killing wasn't murder).
I realize this may not be what's going on in the forums, but it's still fun to have pointless arguments simply because you get to find out how wrong people are (I only semi-mean that).
I think it's annoying when people say it will just turn into another Christianity vs. Atheism thread. Sometimes, the topic has something to do with the beliefs of one side against the other, but it only ends up turning into the hated type of thread because people say that it will. Sorry if this isn't the topic you wanted to discuss, but you weren't exactly clear on what the true topic was.
Are you sick of those guys that jump into your World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc. thread that say something like... "Lol, this is just gonna end up being a christianity vs evolution thread. Lol, I like cows, Lol." Or Christianity vs Atheists. It gets very annoying and they are probably just looking for points. It's not a neccesary comment to make. It is spam I want to kill everyone that says it...twice. -Crackdown On Spammers. (COS) or not... Now before you try and be funny and say this is going to be another Christianity vs Evolution thread, think about it. It won't be funny and This is a serious thread...kind of. I have seen several comments like this in the past couple threads I have looked at. Seriously take a look around. They are there, go look for them! Go, Go!
So you're basically starting a thread to bitch about the people who start threads about evolution and creationism because neither side will ever concede that the other side has any viable points?
Isn't that about as useful as the very posts you're bitching about?
I think it is more annoying when it actually does.
This is just an example not picking on anyone but...
In the "Space" thread someone posted something along the lines of I think it was made by God what do you think... THere is no need especially with all the other threads about on that subject and it was off topic.
To be honest I have only seen fourtytwo do it and he has never spammed as far as I can tell.
what happened to all the posts? Anyways, the reason I post that is because I'm trying to show people how many Christianity vs. Atheism threads there are. There only needs to be one. I have a hard enough time remembering the names of all of them already, so we don't need any more. Ironically, every thread I posted that in actually did end up being a Christianity vs. Atheism thread...nobody pays attention to my warnings.
sorry about the double post...I found out where all the previous posts went. there was a temporary bug with my browser, so I couldn't see the previous page.