Obama, who seems to be the second coming of Christ to the media, has already clamped down on FOIA.
His "reforms" are just a disguise to do what Bush had been doing for the past 8 years.
He closes Guantanamo... but a new prison has opened in Afghanistan which gives the prisoners NO constitutional rights. Bush ordered all US troops out of Iraq... Read More by June 2011. Obama extended the deadline to December 2011, yet took all credit for ending the war. To me, all US deaths from June to December 2011 are on his head. He has allowed politicians to put earmarks all over the stimulus so they could get their private jets and other unnecessary desires.
Obama is a criminal, just like Bush and every President since FDR! They need to be tried and convicted. Send them off to prison forever!
Even if he wanted to extend the school day that much, who fucking cares? American children need it for Christ's sake. Our highest test scores were the lowest of the kids in Belgium.
I don't need it. Seriously, class is hell for me these days. I have awesome teachers, but I just keep hearing stuff that the Discovery Channel already taught me. @zootsuit, that is a very veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery rough statistic. It's a bit too hit-and-miss. If you walk into any of the gifted classrooms at my school, you'd see 25 geniuses staring you in the eye. Making school that long for people who don't need it will just create immense stress. We should only do that to those who need it.
Okay, I'm a teacher. I work 12 hours a day. That's 7 hours in school. 5 hours of that is teaching, and about 2 hours of break. During that break I'm creating new lessons.
For the 5 hours I'm home, I'm creating new lessons and activities. If the school day was upped to 12 hours, teachers simply would not have any time to make any sort of lessons. It would be pointless.
If school were uppted to 12 hours a day it would either imply a shift in thinking or practice that the educational system were somehow more responsible than parents for the upbringing of their children.
In this current day and age that is dangerously absurd!
For Obama, he seems to have found his own way of making it look like he is doing what he promised without actually going through with it
I hear all these snippet news reports about Obama putting out an insane amount of policy changes and I think "how is that even possible?" But I know better than to ask that as a general question because I'm not going to get anywhere near an impartial account, now, am I?
School in Belgium isn't 12 hours a day: generally it's from 8.30 am to 16 or 17 pm. + 1 or 1.30 h midday break and 2*15min "laytime" makes 7 hrs a day at max (still a lot).
And becaus of free wednesday afternoons, free weekends, 2 times 1 week, 2 times 2 weeks and 1 2 months vacation (+ a few extra free days) makes about 180 schooldays, half a year.
I don't know how it is in the US, but I assume it's about the same.
Conclusion: it's not the time you spent at school, but the quality that matters.