I dont see why money is such a problem, if you want to play a game that involved a monthly subcription you need to be able to pay, if you cant then just play a free game or play on private wow servers.
It's an MMORPG, there are no storylines, the only storylines are in the quest themselves. If you just run around and kill things for fun and entertainment that is your purpose.
Some one hasn't hit 60. (Or played WoW at all) This is incorrect, simple as that... Unless the countless books of lore, preceding series of story-driven RTS games, quests (The only thing runescape has, I might add. You were at least half right), and freaking cut scenes are all just to illustrate how awesome killing 10,323,486,279 boars is.
Oh, and since random numbers lad is feeling saucy... Prove YOURSELF. (You haven't supported anything yet [Only 'attacked' WoW], and your defense of Runescape is one continuous example of the Strawman Fallacy) This should be hilarious.
I'd also like to add, after reading a few previous pages of posts regarding the cost, Wow is not all that much more expensive than Runescape. And if you consider what your getting for your money from WoW versus Runescape, the obvious answer would still be WoW. My opinion of course, some people may prefer Runescape regardless. I despise Halo and for some reason its super popular, so I understand pro runscapers. Either way, I enjoy both games, I just prefer one over the other.
It is like comparing Chess and Checkers. Both are fun, one has more rules and options, while the other is just clean fun. Go with what you like, but you don't have to hate the other.
10047 (or whatever) posting multiple times to rank up has a ame, it's called spam and it is against the rules. Runescape: Fun. Simple. Limited. Cheap. WoW: Fun. Simple or complex. Add ons. Unlimited. Moderate price.
There you go.
Raxel & 10047
Please stop fighting, with every negitive comment you post, you just seem more immature. Fighting over the internet = Fail
To be fair, I'm not exactly fighting so much as I am providing opposition for him to flail blindly against... After all, if some one doesn't point out how silly he is, he probably wont keep up the song and dance of Runescape fanboyism.
But I suppose the joke has just about expired, and stopping would be the wisest choice at this point.
you have not proved any of your research to begin with, i acknowledge world or warcrft if you actually read my posts and those multiple posts were from me look back at the other page and finding more answers that i just had to get down. they are not spam as they have a point. spam is generally pointless stuff e.g.
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i enjoy fighting. especially when its a challenges so that is why i chose to support runescape.
anyway i need to go to school now... i say we stop this argument and call it truce. you have nothing to support your resources and cant even prove that you have done any quests. you for some reason think that your argumetns are more right than mine. have you ever played one of the million runescape minigames? that is what you can do when you finish getting max everything...
Personally, I just don't play any game with any price tag attached because my dad would kill me. Even if I asked. I did try Runescape with the free version and it kinda sucked because I tried it w/ a crappy computer (it was 7 years old and in desperate need of a tune up) and even if it did work, it looked pretty bad to me. Now when I saw my friend play WoW, it looked ok. Maybe a bit complex for me, but ok. Those are just my opinions but I've pretty much gotten myself away from MMORPG's due to the fact that in almost anyone you eventually reach a point where all your doing is going around killing monsters forever to reach a the next level and do a quest and then go and kill some more monsters and then level up again, just longer, and do another quest.
You can call a truce, I'll just keep laughing (To myself).
i enjoy fighting. especially when its a challenges so that is why i chose to support runescape
You just admitted that Runescape is an inferior game >_>
Oh, and regardless of whether I have supported my claims or not (I have, and my previous experiences with Runescape more than qualify me to render an educated statement about the game), even invalid arguments can be correct (And they are correct [You've yet to prove me wrong on anything]).
Final post, say what you will from now on... But I think implicitly handing me the win is a pretty hard place to come back from.
lol you cant even prove your resources. that is right i question the legitimacy of your resources. i have proved that there is more than farming in runescape. like you said once you reach max level you just repeatedly farm things. give me examples of how runescape has a bad storyline. i acknowledge world of warcraft for its benefits but you cannot acknowledge runescape. i admit runescape has worse graphics than WoW and WoW has a much longer storyline. i am arguing the point that runescape does not have a bad storyline like you said. now who agrees with any one of us? you did not win because your whole debate is opinionated as is mine. i can admit it and you cannot. laugh all you want but you cannot prove any of your resources. if you told me on your username i may believe you. supply me with some quotes or something. your own words are not enough to prove runescape has a bad storyline. for a start the whole storyline is incomplete which means there is more in store. that is a good story. leaving openings for the future without starting a new story. that is called planning.
you said that harry potter had a bad storyline and was simple. hmmm where di all of J.K. Rowlings money come from? why was the book so popular? why are they still making movies from the books? You stated that Matthew Reillys books were simple. i think not as they may be currently making a movie on the first book Contest and they have been highly rated by many. You stated that the Eragon series was simple. they are fairly complex and i would say much more complex than the World of Warcraft storyline. i admit the movie was a crap letdown so they should remake it. im looking forward to the fourth book too. you stated that all the books i have read have simple storylines but some exceeds world of warcrafts storyline by far. why doesnt world of warcraft have a movie yet? because u state that the books i have read have simple storylines you may as well say that world of warcraft has a simple storyline.
i called truce because i seriously do not have any more time to promote to this. i never expected such a huge argument from just a few comments. since both our arguments are opinionated there is no true winner. just accept it because it is a fact. i must quit posting on this topic. it will be hard but i will stop. this is my last post and that is final. i will only reply to people on this in a positive way because i have had my say.