I hope you guys know how to play. It will be 1 vs, 3 vs, 5 vs or 10 vs 10.
Here is how we play. Ill ask one question per example: What are the most popular animals to find in a pet store. They will have 8 answers. Then one of your team members will say a answer. If you get one right, you get 1 point. If your team gets 2 errors, its the other teams turn. Who ever finished the 8 answers win. We will do that 3 times.
Oh, ok then. darkboy, you're added to the list. After I have all of the people written down, I'll put them on teams randomly, but as of right now, the two team leaders are pixie and fritz.
I've decided to change the way we decide the team that goes first. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. All four of you guess, team with person that guessed closest goes first. All must guess different numbers.