I hope you guys know how to play. It will be 1 vs, 3 vs, 5 vs or 10 vs 10.
Here is how we play. Ill ask one question per example: What are the most popular animals to find in a pet store. They will have 8 answers. Then one of your team members will say a answer. If you get one right, you get 1 point. If your team gets 2 errors, its the other teams turn. Who ever finished the 8 answers win. We will do that 3 times.
Ok, since darkboy already guessed my number, his team is going to begin the game. All other people wishing to join will have to wait until either someone drops out and you can take their place, or until the next game.
Team2 shall begin. I will notify all Team2 members that the game is beginning.
Alrighty then. 35 were surveyed for this with the help of Adam (fst6). According to the surveyees, what is the best day of the week.
1. 2. 3. 4.
With this question, there shall be two strikes before it is handed over to the next team. I will take the guesses in the order they are posted. You may only guess again after everyone else on your team has voted, or if I say we have waited long enough to give the remaining person a chance. And because of this question, after the first incorrect answer, the it will be passed over to the other team.
Oh and one more thing, I'll try and wait until everyone has voted to post the answers. This'll be even more necessary when there's more answers than team members.
Don't worry tennis. I'll make sure the thread continues if there's no reply by them within a certain amount of time. After that, I'll allow any people that want to to take their place, and they'll vote for them. If noone comes, either a team adjustment will occur, or you'll just continue with just you and pixie. We'll see when the time comes.