Unless some virus is made zombies don;t exist (are not natuarally occurin) LAien emphatically do exist but none have come to earth. Space is too big it would take them billions of years to travel the average distance between two hospitable planets (200 light years)
alright i think zombies could happen and i think aliens do exist because a lot of weird stuff is happening now a days and i don't mean crop circles and zombies could happen by virus's or a side effect to a drug a astroid(radiation) or a enhancer (which the goverment is in the progress in) so i would be prepard and have a least have one gun.
Zombies may someday be real, when scientists come up with a way to revive the dead. They would then technically be zombies. Aliens exist, they are someone who lives in a country but were not originally from there, aha. I do think that somewhere in the universe there has to be life though.
Aliens - Their is a good chance that aliens exist. These aliens are not little green men though. They can be microscopic or they could be intelligent creatures.
Zombies - This is unlikely. It is near impossible (if not impossible) to revive the dead as undead. If it turns out that the dead can be revived then this is likely.
omg...i cant believe how gulable people can be sometimes. i know this guy..if u tell him that ants are making a plan to kill all humans to take over the planet he would believe u...
zombies are NOT real their just a figment of our imagination. we make them because once we get scared our brains tell us that ur hearing someone move or ur seeing a zombie..non of it is real its just our glitchy brains. so their NOT real..
aliens are a little more believable... although i don't think that half the bull people make up this days about how aliens are real and they've seen them is true. i do think that there are some type of life forms out there. the universe is just to big for us to be the only life forms. so there probably are aliens but if u believe the stuff people make up then ur crazy...
oh ya and zombies are NOT real and if think they are man uve got some issues to work out...
i discovered another thing once there was a scientist that made a zombie in an island that now he is in area 51 they do exist i wish i had that drug to make zombies