What do you think the meaning of life is? Of course this question won't be answered once and for all here on Armor Games, but I find it very interesting to think about and I was curious as to what you guys think about it.
Does it change your life in anway if their was a meaning? Are you suddenly going to change? No. Nobody will. If their was a meaning, we would know it. But it doesnt change anybodys life to know if theirs a meaning.
I think it would change our lives. If we knew why we were here I think that people might have more to live for. Maybe a goal to help fulfill? That would probably decrease the rate of suicide if everyone had something that they were working towards. Assuming it's something big of course, if it's to just enjoy life. Well then I don't think that would change people's lives. I think that it's just interesting to think about and discuss though, even if we never find out what the meaning is.
The meaning of life is experience, er are born with nothing, no knowledge, no memories, no motor skill or functions, but by the time we die most of us if not all have contributed to society in some way no matter how small, it could be as simple as creating a family or as massive as creating a cure for cancer. In the end we all give back to the world by returning to the fabric of creation as they say ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
As Agent Smith would say: The purpose of life is to end... But serioulsy I would say that our meaning is already written out for us and all we do is follow that path to whatever end...