This thread will be purely for announcing contests, usually hosted in the Art section.
I will kindly ask you to not post comments on the given contests, or post non established contests. The contest should be up and running, or be something of a broader interest, as well as having a responsible judge and clear rules.
The posts should include: Link to said contest. Theme. Deadline. Judge and/or supervisor.
Short describtion as well as notes can be included.
I've been asked to delete all the non-relevant posts due to the nature of this thread, hence the sudden disappearance of all the comments except the OP. Also please note that this is a board for competitions, not polls!
Clearifying. For each round there will have to have a new post. This is not for noting which contests are around, there is an index thread for that in the Art section. This is for notifying about the content of the new round in a given contest.
The form has to be filled for the post for being valid. This is for making it easy to find the newest and relevant information.
Any comment not relating to announcing a new round will be asked to be deleted. I will check up on this thread as often as I can to find non related comments so that these can be removed.
Polls is in general discouraged in this thread for following reasons: They are usually a one time thing. They are already greatly advertised in the Tavern. The content might not be related to AG. They are usually not established as a part of the community.
I will ask you to ask Carlie or a moderator about the relevance of your poll, if you find it important to add them here. The submission should follow the same form as the contests.
Further questions should be directed to me or any art section mod (Zophia, Strop, Noname) or Carlie. Please refrain from posting further praises as well.
Spring Armatar Contest Theme: Spring, NOT Easter Deadline: At the end of Spring, whenever Carlie decides. Judge: Carlie
Seeing Carlie did not announce it herself, and people have been talking about this for ages. Go draw a nice armatar featuring Spring as a theme, and you might see it as an armatar a day or two later.