ForumsWEPRDoes anyone not believe in God?

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1,720 posts

I mean this in the most unoffensive way possible. while i will speak my mind, I do have utmost respect for anyone and everyone and their beliefs and religion, and I do not mean to upset you in any way possible.
However, I will say that I do not believe in god or really any religion at that. I do not believe that God or a superior entity created all things. I do not believe that God answers prayers to those who worship them. If you think about it, one average and normal person may be praying somewhere in the United States in the hopes that God will give do them a service in some form or another and that it gets done somehow. However, what about the hundreds of young children in the Middle East who happen to be starving at that same moment? Aren't they praying too? So why is it that one average worshipper is done their service and hundreds more innocent and far humbler children starve to death because they were not done theirs? I simply cannot see the logic in this outcome, which happens everyday. Could it be that God plays favorites? I shudder at that thought. What happened to we're all created equal? Or maybe were not...

Again, I mean absolutely no disrespect of any kind towards anybody of any religion.

  • 69 Replies
1,720 posts

i would like to thank everyone who has commented on this thread. i was kind of nervous speaking my mind like this but i am glad that a lot of you keep an open mind and are willing to see it both ways

208 posts

Well, personally I believe in god, but I respect your beliefs of not believing (As weird as that sounds. XD) as I hope you respect mine. But I also believe even if theirs not, some people just need something to believe in. No religion is completely accurate, so I'll just shoot for as close as I can get.

93 posts

I just don't tend to believe anything without strong supporting evidence, so no, I don't.

565 posts

Almost everyone knows my beleifs. Which is for God just in case you didn't.

4,097 posts

Although I am not totally agnostic, I do think a lot like a devoted one. I think that the world would be much better off without religion. Most of the wars that are fought are over religion, that would cut out a ton of deaths. The problem is, religion is so deep set in society that there is no way it is going to disappear any time soon.

338 posts

Im kind of some where between agnostic theism and weak agnosticism. I dont really believe that there isnt a god, I kind of believe that there is SOMETHING out there greater then us. some natural force, maybe some kind of a code that all life has, i mean maybe you universe is alive and we are like just the smallest part of a cell that makes the universe, maybe its something that the human mind can never understand or comprehend. Theres just so many ideas about that god could be.
For the most part I think the common idea of god is kind of stupid and simple. If there is a god why would it look like us? Why would it even care about us? Why would it be so low as to become angry? Why would god want to be worshipped? Or why would it have a 'chosen people'? It just sounds so... human.

2,202 posts

It just sounds so... human.

Hence why I'm more on the Atheist side of the Agnostic scale. I've never understood the point, honestly, to worshiping God who I'm probably never ever going to see, and if I do then that'd be a conversation with many awkward silences. I do believe there could be an all-powerful being that created the universe and whatnot(although believe in evolution and such), but I don't think it would care all too much about little me and him and her.
Why would it be so low as to become angry?

Why does it send all people who are 'bad' and don't worship it to a special place? Kinda cruel imo >_>

All gods seem a little moody, from my point of view, I mean look at the Greek Gods, they made your life miserable if you made them mad o_O Sheesh.
4,682 posts

I believe in god but if someone else doesnt so what it is their opinion.

12 posts

Without religion the world would be better off.

6,921 posts

I don't believe in any god, but I believe that there is a... wait, I don't believe in anything! AHAHHAHAH!

3,025 posts

Hi Zega welcome to a mature conversation.

I don't believe in God, and here's a little speech:
I don't think there's God because there simply is no proof, as far as I know no one has any proof that leads to God, and mostly, or all of it points to Science.
Come to think of it, if we went out in Space and seen no Heaven or Hell, what does that tell us? Is it another dimension or is it a seventh sense (6th is already used.)?
Mostly there is no point in believing in God, because it can make you happy, but as one of the commandments say "Thou shall not lie.", aren't we doing it now - I would say whoever made this is either very creative, a... Well this is going to be alot of bad words so I'll skip it, a mastermind, a madman, or just a storyteller? We may never know, but what'd be good is to find out once and for all whether it's real (I think it isn't.)....

I know I said small but... Got carried away....

- H

278 posts

I do not believe in God, mainly because it's a bunch of crap.

291 posts

Spiritual Atheism.

584 posts

Hmph, I don't mean to be offensive either, but I am going to inoffensively dismantle this opening paragraph and humanely destroy each part.

I will say that I do not believe in god or really any religion at that. I do not believe that God or a superior entity created all things. I do not believe that God answers prayers to those who worship them. If you think about it, one average and normal person may be praying somewhere in the United States in the hopes that God will give do them a service in some form or another and that it gets done somehow. However, what about the hundreds of young children in the Middle East who happen to be starving at that same moment? Aren't they praying too? So why is it that one average worshipper is done their service and hundreds more innocent and far humbler children starve to death because they were not done theirs? I simply cannot see the logic in this outcome, which happens everyday. Could it be that God plays favorites? I shudder at that thought. What happened to we're all created equal? Or maybe were not...

A superior being or something must have created everything, because otherwise nothing would exist. The Big Bang didn't create the universe, it just shaped it.

God loves all beings equally, but like any logical being, if there were millions of prayers going up, and half of them were from the unfaithful then the faithful would have priority. He is a jealous God, and if you worship something other than him, you will feel consequences. It says in the Bible that all things work together for good. Plus, God can do anything, but he doesn't. If he wanted to make the Earth perfect then he would. Unfortunately, sin has plagued Earth and that is why the clean and divine place that has been designated by God is commonly known as heaven. Like I said, God loves all humans equally, but is also jealous of other idols that humans want to worship. And what happened to we're all created equal? So far, nothing. You obviously didn't say anything to the contrary. Besides, we are all created equal, but that doesn't mean you can't change that. People change as soon as they start breathing and making actions. At the start of life, we are all equal. Once we start making choices, we are unequal.

Now who says logic is all on atheism's side? God is more logical than anything man could create.
3,176 posts

I wouldn't go so far as to say that He doesn't exist, but to say that he's probably having a severe
headache for all the contradictions that a group of people wrote in the Bible, for instance the time it
took to create Earth, how old it supposedly is, and how everything just happened to appear at one time.

"Man, oh man, why did I have to make those guys so idiotic... What once used to be 99% of people
believed in Me, now I got one
third, and a large portion of atheists, because of those guys. I mean, I WOULD go down to Earth and all,
but my presence would just cause a global catastrophe. Maybe... Hmm...."

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