WHEN i heard about this i was ready to 5h*t my pants, seriously the Proud Majestic USA using laws from the KORAN?! The government is going to hit the dam fan pretty quick
Sooooo. . .what is necessarily bad about it? Just because there are Islamic terrorists doesn't mean that they're religious text is effed up. That's pretty much the same as saying "Oh my GAWD! We're using morals from the BIBLE!? That is so fucked up it's insane! The government is going to hit the dam fan pretty quick!" -------- The Koran is a respectable religious text, just like the Bible. Using laws from the Koran is just as good or bad as using laws or morals from the Bible, which we do. That's being rude and religiously offensive, and also just generalizing and stupid.
Don't let the capital of Pakistan or the media deceive you. The Christian Church has killed more people than the Islam Church throughout history. Besides, the Koran has basically the same morals as the Bible.
To "thisisnotanalt"Ok first, i didnt mean to religiously offensive, second isnt there somthing called oh shoot i cant remember i think it starts with a C and has rights and stuff on it or some junk like that and doesnt that think say religion and government shouldnt be mixed? In some schools you cant say "God" in the anthem and yet they are thinking of making laws from ISLAMIC RELIGION
I really do wish you added some sort of link or something, instead of just telling us what you "heard". This forum requires links in order to be legit, so let's see this proof you got here. Even if you did, there's really no reason to be hit so hard about having another religion's morals as laws. Besides, now that I think about it, I think Muslim teachings would be better than Christian. Their strict, tight outlook on life and society is what was holding us back for centuries. If we didn't have Christianity involved fundamentally, we would be technologically advanced by quite a bit.
More so, you haven't really given us a reason why this is so bad. Why don't you want any of these morals in American law?
To "thisisnotanalt"Ok first, i didnt mean to religiously offensive, second isnt there somthing called oh shoot i cant remember i think it starts with a C and has rights and stuff on it or some junk like that and doesnt that think say religion and government shouldnt be mixed? In some schools you cant say "God" in the anthem and yet they are thinking of making laws from ISLAMIC RELIGION
1st. Saying that we're crazy to take something from the Koran can be thought of as offensive. 2nd. Then, if religion is supposed to be completely separated from the government, then why do politicians swear in on the Bible? Why is the last line of the Oath of Office "so help me GOD?" Also, you seem to have a double standard here. We use more laws from the Bible than the Koran, so we are catering to Christianity far more than to Islam. Also, just because we are using a law that appears in the Koran does not mean that we are not separating church and state. It just means that we think that it is a good law, and we ae implementing a version of it.
also to let all know im not trying to change anyones beleifs in anything i am just debating not fighting
We get it. Just a friendly debate ------------ Besides, pulling laws from the Quo'ran is not a problem with separation of church and state. That would only be a problem if we started officially teaching the religious beliefs in the Quo'ran or we inducted religious credos from the Koran into law.
And your telling me that your local/regional news stations are not biased, they show most things against rebublicans, like the mexican gun deal, most stations didnt even air that. Also sorry i do have to leave now, i will be back in a while, talk amongst your selves. And again im debating NOT fighting.
And your telling me that your local/regional news stations are not biased, they show most things against rebublicans, like the mexican gun deal, most stations didnt even air that. Also sorry i do have to leave now, i will be back in a while, talk amongst your selves. And again im debating NOT fighting.
I never said that. I never said that at all. I was just asking for a less biased or unbiased news source.
You basically have proven to us instead that this should be allowed, not rejected. It's basically giving more laws based on international laws as well, plus anointing a top legal adviser to oversee that.
Besides, it's not like this is "legit news" anyways, just a biased person's views on the subject. It should be ACTUAL INFORMATION, not what one person thinks. He's given us some facts, but down the line, he's criticizing pretty ignorantly.