WHEN i heard about this i was ready to 5h*t my pants, seriously the Proud Majestic USA using laws from the KORAN?! The government is going to hit the dam fan pretty quick
Laws can not have anything to do with religion or religious texts.
Not true. Only if it is respecting the actual religious beliefs of the religion, not necessarily things like this. Also, if that rule was always followed, than killing people not in self-defense would be legal, because it says somewhere in the Bible that thou shalt not murder.
The U.S. took the ideas for most of their laws from the Bible.
Besides, they can't take religious things from religious texts. If they only take the laws and morals, then it's not breaking the First Amendment as written.
Laws can not have anything to do with religion or religious texts.
No, it means that they cannot enforce religious teachings on the public, because of course, at the time, there were more than one religion active at the time. These guys were smart people, and they new that religion was getting in the way, so they allowed morals, but NOT teachings and worships in actual law. They can have the right to EXPRESS their religion, but they cannot use it or assume it as actual law.