Bye the way, if you think you did get it what you need to do is get someone to email to you a Conficker remover as an attachment. The name however cannot say Conficker in it or else the virus will block it.
I have not gotten anything from April Fool's day except some misleading links to inappropriate websites...
Either way not Norton Anti V or the Fire Fox reported anything so, I avoided it.
But on April fools day it was hilarious reading people freaking out on the forums... not even having a clue what the virus is...
"This forum is infected and whenever you click a button you dl the virus." ironicly that was the only website I was on really, and I did loads of clicking.
I have something brilliant. It will help you detect whether you are infected with Conficker. Though it does not replace good old anti virus and anti malware software.
Nothing big happened on April 1, though that does not mean that Conficker will not strike.
Conficker D happened before April 1st, and everyone thought that it would hit again on April 1st, but it didn't since that would be too obvious. There was already a Conficker A-C, they keep getting more serious every time, although B barely hit anyone it was much more powerful than A. So basically Conficker D could still hit, so watch your back!
yes it is real, so be very careful try to go to anti-vrus sites Like Symantec, ZoneAlarm, actually let me get a link to a site...Hope it helps! Its the COnficker Eye Chart if you can see the images you're most likely not affected if you can't then...I dunno Click here for the Conficker Eye Chart
Okay, for starters, IT'S REAL! That's for all you non-believers(lol). But truthfully, it is for real. However, the whole thing has been blown out of proportion. Due to questionable media coverage and the sort, the true facts are mixed with fake rumor. The virus is a real virus, not just a joke, so don't blow it off. And if you still don't believe, just know, I warned 'ya.