ForumsWEPRWhat is Obama doing actually?

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From MrVicchio on

President Obama scares me on several levels. His arrogance in believing he can in fact, change the world... now comes this:

WASHINGTON (AP) - The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air.
John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.
AP Newsbreak: Obama looks at climate engineering
Seriously? They are even considering INTENTIONALLY playing God and messing with the weather on a global scale?

This isn't some crackpot site, this isn't Tin foil hat land... they are really considering it.
  • 31 Replies
653 posts

if obama is gonna do something stupid like what do i care as long as he doesn't inadvertently destroy the world and it can be worked into the budget without affecting spending much

4,097 posts

It might be nice if you cited a source when you are going to post things like this.

Just because an administration considers different ways to stop a problem does not mean that everything considered will actually be done. It also says "one such extreme option". Notice the word extreme, this is obviously not something that is going to be done without much thought. Because of the skepticism it would cause I doubt that it would be done at all.

4,097 posts

I see you did cite a source, sorry about that.

2,150 posts
74 posts

I don't necessarily agree with taking such invasive measures, however I am at least glad that our current president is not turning a blind eye to the global warming issue. In truth, I do not believe such drastic measures will be taken but am in support of research in the hopes that we might learn more about our environment. Indeed, we have much knowledge about our surroundings, but we still don't know everything. As a science major, I've found that there's always something new to learn or better understand.

4,682 posts

Obama is going to clean up the mess that stupid bush made. Everyone says he isnt doing anythng but he has been in office for three months.

372 posts

dude give him some time...he still has about 3 years and 9 months left in his term..his barely started and ur already duging him..let him do it and then u can blame him and cuss him out if it doesn't work or compliment and adore him if it does work. right now their just talking about it not doing it and plus i don't think they will do anything until they solve the economic crisis. so give the guy some time and don't judge what he does until after u see the results..for example if he goes through with this and fucks up then label him as a and if he goes through with it and it does work then label him as a hero or something. don't judge him until u see for urself what he tries to do.

4,097 posts

Bigdaddyg has a point, you shouldn't judge him yet. Although you should probably type a bit better next time, it would get your opinion across easier.

4,097 posts

I couldn't stand republicans in the last election, I mean most of them didn't know anything about Obama yet still called him a terrorist and such. You didn't see us democrats calling McCain stupid things like that.

908 posts

The main point in research is that you can consider any alternative, any potential solution. Here, Obama's administration is studying different possibilities to stop global warming. What's wrong with that?
As Green12324 said, considering a possibility doesn't mean you're going to test it on a wide scale. Quoting your source: it is prudent to consider geoengineering's potential, to understand its limits and to avoid rash deployment
Also, I read the article and they mention other less radical means to diminish greenhouse gases effects, such as "artificial trees"...

5,845 posts

Did Calm just post here?


Anyways, got that outta my system...

I don't really know what Obama plans to do. I'm an Aussie, so it won't affect me unless it's got anything to do with what that site said or Wall Street. I am glad Obama is taking interest in our planet's well being, but I somehow doubt he'll get far.

908 posts

Yeah, I did! lol

I think you're right about him not getting really far. We can't do much for the well being of the planet if some countries refuse to cooperate. And right now, the developing countries have absolutely no interest in lowering their greenhouses gases emissions since it would be the end of their economic growth (or at least it would slow it). So as long as they don't cope, then nothing huge can be achieved to stop global warming, if global warming it is...

3,224 posts

So as long as they don't cope, then nothing huge can be achieved to stop global warming, if global warming it is...

Considering how large a proportion of greenhouse gasses the US does emit into the atmosphere,(I believe it's around a quarter of the total), then surely if they reduced their emissions the effects would not be negligible?

It's that kind of attitude that prevents the problem from being solved. The whole: one person won't make a difference so what's the point even trying? If the US took steps to reduce it's emissions it wouldn't exactly hurt. Plus the technologies the US admninistration would be investing in could pave the way for other nations to invest and take advantage of said technologies. I think the benefits in this instance would outweigh the costs.
5,845 posts

The world will need to work as a whole to accomplish anything. Obama alone can't do anything, and his country ain't helping. That, my dear Watson, is the problem.

It's that kind of attitude that prevents the problem from being solved. The whole: one person won't make a difference so what's the point even trying? If the US took steps to reduce it's emissions it wouldn't exactly hurt. Plus the technologies the US admninistration would be investing in could pave the way for other nations to invest and take advantage of said technologies. I think the benefits in this instance would outweigh the costs.

Pretty much.

Another problem; People think 'One person won't make a difference'. They do, and it's small, but if a million people think 'One person won't make a difference' we won't accomplish much. Why do people think that? Why it's elementary my dear Watson, they cannot see others doing it. People need to take control of what they've done, and what they're doing.

908 posts

Obviously, you haven't read last year's thread about global warming, and I can't blame you for it
But if you had, you would have known that I completely agree with you: the actions of a single person still can change the world ( of course, on a small scale).
However, I wanted to point out that the USA porbably wouldn't be willing to diminish its greenhouse gases emissions if some other major countries refused to do so, because thier economy would be definitely penalized. It wouldn't hurt in the long run, that's sure, but in the short term, the industry would suffer before adapting itself to the new restrictions.

the benefits in this instance would outweigh the costs

Of course they would, but not immediately. There would be a period where the costs would be higher that the benefits: and I think that this is what frightens our leaders.
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