Pazx, the way you're emphasising all those things suddenly makes me think of what happens when e-penor competitions get out of hand, and I don't think I should follow that train of thought any further!
Ok, it's kind of a classic names for news papers but, how about AGE?
A- Armor G- Games E- Express.
On a completely different note--
Since the newspaper comes out every Sunday we'll need to have the scoops by Tuesday, writing by thursday and fully edited by Saturday. You could do that Heavy?
I don't know what to write about? I can find something but I'm best at other people writing and having me fix spelling, organize, take out, add, EDIT but I can get stuff done on Saturday/TODAY! I don't play on Sundays, I might somedays. REPORTERS! if you get write anything, comment on my profile and I can get it done.
Strop, if you see this, lock the topic up please. I'll be creating a new thread with the newspaper title and we can sort the roles.
I don't know what to write about? I can find something but I'm best at other people writing and having me fix spelling, organize, take out, add, EDIT but I can get stuff done on Saturday/TODAY! I don't play on Sundays, I might somedays. REPORTERS! if you get write anything, comment on my profile and I can get it done.
Writers do the writing, you simply fix up grammar and spelling errors and stuff like that, I'm not an editor myself so I dunno much about should know.
And the newspaper starts next week or the week after.
hmm I wanted to create something like this a while back where I take certain people in AG and give you their life stories on AG, and then also give info on the history of AG, all while twisting some of it for comedy purposes, but never got to it, and just let the idea die after awhile. The idea at the time was to call it the AG Enquirer. Its funny that you want to name it AGE because of how it fits the same letters. Anyways I wouldn't mind helping out with this. I suppose I could take up being a reporter.
the editor, to write a column.
Thats what the writer and columnists do,except columnists can be very opinionated in the way they write their news articles. In a way you should call the gossip columns the gossip columnist, as that is pretty much what the job entails the person to be from what I am assuming they have to do.
Welcome to the daily "WTF?!" I'm Thoad, bringing it to you at a hyperspeed connection. Why? Because my computer is better than yours.
ACtually, my computer WASN'T better than yours (unlike most days) today because my intenet FAILED ME. It basically took a dump on my hand and said "eat it". I managed to put it back together but yeah, your computer better than mine? WTF?!
In other "WTF" news, birdo is now a popular character among children...yep. Birdo. Birdo is a nintendo character that was a lizard which THOUGHT it was a girl because it could shoot eggs out of it's mouth. However, Birdo is confirmed a male. Nintendo, you have too many lizard like things that we cannot distinguish to be male or female (first being yoshi). WTF NINTENDO!?