All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholic. Catholics namely the Christians living in communion with the Church of Rome. They follow the laws of the Roman Catholic Church.
As Wikipedia says: Catholicism is distinguished from other forms of Christianity in its particular understanding and commitment to tradition, the sacraments, the mediation between God, and communion.
@paint: you mean Protestants? Catholicism is the purest form of Christianity out there, the one founded by the Disciples. Protestantism, or Christianity as you call it, was founded about 400 years ago by excommunicated protesters. *epic facepalm* Also, Protestantism does not have a Pope.
Catholicism is the purest form of Christianity out there, the one founded by the Disciples. Protestantism, or Christianity as you call it, was founded about 400 years ago by excommunicated protesters. *epic facepalm* Also, Protestantism does not have a Pope.
well i wouldn't call it the purest form because the protestants were protesting because the church was horribly corrupt and filled with sinners
Catholicism is the purest form of Christianity out there, the one founded by the Disciples.
Orthodox Christians are more like the first Christians. Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism split in 1054 over theological issues. Now religious ritual in those Churches are different too. Orthodox church doesn't have an absolute leader as Catholic church(Pope). Every nation chooses it's patriarch to be in the head of all believers because every nation is independent and doesn't have to obey religious instructions from other nation. "As God made a man and gave him a free will." Of course independent as they are, Orthodox churches can't change cannons without approval of all other churches. That is usually done on councils.
Not neccesarily cause some catholics don't beleive in Jesus. The only way to be a christian is by accepting him.
*head violently hits desk* Seriously? Catholics believe in Jesus or they aren't Catholic. All Catholics are christian, but not all Christians are Catholics. *is concussed from headdesk*
Catholics believe in Jesus or they aren't Catholic. All Catholics are christian, but not all Christians are Catholics.
Wow good thing that isn't confusing. But i think you do not half to believe in Jesus and still be catholic. Like saying if you don't go to church you don't believe in him.
Christianity branched form catholisism. catholisism was one of the fisrt organized religions. there are not many differences between them but for example baptists do not believe that at comunion you are truly eating the body of Christ.
Catholic is a Christian denomination, but there also Protestant Christians, Presbytatrian Christians, Mormen Christians, etc. Christianity refers to the broad categories of believers that Christ is God, but each denomination has different traditions and rules.