ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Neverending Story

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9,821 posts

"Hey Alt, what are you doing now?"
"Reading my story on armorgames. It's called the Neverending Story."
"How could it never end if it only ends up being four lines?"
"Read it closely." 0.o

  • 1,014 Replies
5,845 posts

Skye: Sorry Pazx~

Oh crap.

Oh crap.



I'm in the NES now! Not my little puppets anymore, but me! Hey... what's bad about that?

*evil laugh*
3,337 posts

I like Pickle and Shack. Their conversations make me laugh ^^
Jezz: Hey wait where's Carter going...
Skye: You better catch him. Who knows what he'll end up chewing!
Jezz: Catch him? Catch a bloody great brute like that? I do not think so!
Skye: Well someone has to!

13,657 posts

Okay, this is a spam fest anyway, I hear. So not so random frustration outlet:
What is wrong! with people!! There is a huge amount of contests going on with little structure, the deadlines are delayed like crazy, and there seem to be little responsibility when it comes to the people who enter!
The Tavern looks like hell, there is a disturbing amount of flah everywhere (even in the art section), and every order there once where is GONE! *grumble*
Btw, Pazx, update on my about... Half way advertising, I guess.

356 posts

*Pickle and Shack pant heavily*
Shack: We've made it! Theres the door right over there!
Pickle: Lest we be fooled, yay verily, we have arrived, only by the grace of my leg and arm, and that of our lord and master George.
Shack: Thanks a lot. You realize that without me we wouldn't have gone anywhere.
Pickle: On the contrary you paunchy urchin-snouted hedge-pig! I, to relieve myself of your cumbersome weight wouldst simply have rendered you asunder from my glorious half!
Shack: Yeah, and bled to death in about 10 seconds afterwards, I'm so glad we're here now, if I have to listen to you too much more I don't think I will be able to take it. I swear, eventually I will kill you, and I don't care, I'll go with you just to not hear your incessant blathering.
Pickle: Quiet nave! Someone openst the door.
Shack: Openst isn't even a word.
Pickle: Shhh.
*Paxz opens door to octagonal room*
Shack: Holy crap! What is that!?
*Carter barrels through the door, breaking the wall around it, crushing Paxz*
Shack: Look out!
*Pickle and Shack dive behind a bush*

3,337 posts

Jezz: Sorry guys!
*Helps Shack out of the bush*
Alt isn't in here. I think he's possibly hidden away deep in the NES.
Skye: Plotting?
Jezz: Possibly...
*Carter is nowhere to be seen*
Skye: Shouldn't we go find Carter?
Jezz: Possibly...
Skye: He'd be... looking for a gummy worm, right?
Jezz: Possibly...
Jezz: No... Well, possibly...
Skye: I despair...

5,845 posts

*Carter barrels through the door, breaking the wall around it, crushing Paxz*

I'm not fond of getting crushed...

Btw, Pazx, update on my about... Half way advertising, I guess.

Erm, which link?
9,821 posts

Chill: Alt is gone.
Everyone else in the NES: Why? Our Lord and Savior has left us?
Chill: Only temporarily.
Everyone else: For what?
Chill: All he said was for. . .secret reasons.

13,817 posts

K34: Hey! I have found the portal back home!

D3: Hurray! Let's go!

Wizard: You are not going anywhere! Behold, the magical Octagon!

K34: My eyes! Arghhh!

D3: They're coming! The others trapped here are coming!

K34: Quickly run in!

Wizard: No! Arghhh!

K34: *Stabs Wizard* Take that you blind fool!


K34: It's good to be out of that crazed asylum. You really aren't a fool!

D3: Thanks.

K34: Don't mention it.

D3: Don't mention what?

K34: Don't mention it.

D3: Don't mention what?

K34: Thanks. Let's go now. Before they find us.

D3: Who?

K34: Those other people who were trapped with us in that labyrinth.

D3: Those people... They'll be angry we left them behind.

K34: Of course! Now let's go!

13,817 posts

"I heard it was your birthday tomorrow"

David: Yeah. It is my birthday tomorrow.

"What do you intend on doing?"

David: Nothing much. Just enjoy.

"How was your week?"

David: Boring. Except for Sunday, earlier this week.

"What did you do."

David: I swam in a river. I also fed some monkeys. Capuchins. Did you know that cappuccino, was named after a group of friars who wore brown robes?

"Yes. You told me."

David: It seems apparent that they named the monkeys after these priests.

"It seems so."

David: I am now off to control those people in the Never Ending Story.

"The Neverending Story, is a film!"

David: Really? Well, we should go now.

"I'm right behind you."


K34: Do you really think we are being controlled by some sort of higher being?

D3: Who knows?

356 posts

Shack: Noooo! Alt is gone, he's gone!!!
Pickle: Oh sorrow, oh foul sadness engulfs my heart! GEORGE!!! How could you do this to one such as I, a loyal servant of the spork?! Hast thou no mercy?
Shack: I just can't believe this...I'm stuck with you...
*Shack sobs*
Pickle: Ah Hah! Weep not weakling coward, perhaps the former grandmaster Chill will guide us through our plight.
*Shack stops crying*
Shack: Do, do you really think so?
Pickle: Yes small whimpering sap, George cannot ignore me, I am his most faithful servant, thus, Chill will help us. My logic is sound, ONWARD!!!

3,337 posts

Skye: Awww poor Shack.
Jezz: Yes. Why Pickle, why do you need to be rid of Shack so badly? I mean, I can put up with Skye. We work as a team! Most days... *shifty eyes*
Skye: *gives Jezz a stern look*

356 posts

*Shack looks up teary eyed at Jezz*
Shack: We've always hated each other. Though thanks for the concern.
Pickle: Well young lass, this protuberance on my neck is in fact incapable of all things necessary to being good and honoring the spork. He hast even began the story of our joining incorrectly.
Shack: What do you mean Pickle? What are you saying?
Pickle: That thou hasn't a clue of the circumstances of our merger.
Shack: What are you talking about?! We were born this way.
Pickle: Nay simpleton, we werenst.
Shack: Werenst isn't a word...WHAT?!
*Shack reaches across and begins to choke Pickle*
Pickle: Ssstop, chchoking me and I'll tell you...
*Shack lets Pickle go*
Shack: Spit it out you medieval ass!
Pickle: It began long ago, when we were only lads....
*Flashback effect permeates the vision of all around*
(Italics represent Pickle narrating)
Pickle: At aboutst the age of 12 and one half we, only friends at the time were walking down to the cave of Beastly Beasts near the village of Greater Dancing, we were the best of friends
Pickle: Come Shack! Thou art so far behind, I fear thou will be lost to the beasts around beast cave!
Shack: Cram it! There are no beasts around here you know that Pickle, and by the way, I thought I told you, you'll never be accepted at school if you keep talking that way. I know that your father left, but you can't hide from the pain by pretending you are some reincarnated person from the 1600's. I mean you're going to have to deal with it sometime.
Pickle: Quiet! Hear you not that sound that comest from the cave mouth?
Shack: What is that? It sounds like chanting...AHHHHH!!!!
*A strange woman flies out from the cave and thwacks Shack on the head*
*Pickle draws his wooden sword*
Pickle: Shack, NOOOOOO!!! If you've slain him wench so help me by the power of George I will smite thee!!!
*Strange woman descends to the ground in front of Pickle*
Strange Woman: You are brave, I suppose I will find something else for my stew, children are so much tastier when they are scared.
*Pickle slashes, and connects with the strange womans head, blood trickles down her forehead through her wild hair*
Strange Woman: OW!!! I was going to leave you alone you lowly urchin boy, but now you'll be fated to be merged, half and half with this one, doomed to live forever split between two lives!
*The woman raises her gnarled staff and it sparks, then lightning rains down in between Pickle and Shaft. A vortex is created in between them, and they are sucked in. After a moment they are spit out, joined, right down the middle.*
Strange woman: HAHAHAHA! Now live in agony!
*Strange Woman turns into a bat and flies back into the cave*
*Shack stirs*
Shack: What? Where am I? Who am I? AHHH!!! Who are you?! Why are we like this?!

Pickle: So I told you we were brothers twain, and that we were born this way. Of course we couldn't go back to our village, so we went on our way, foraging, always learning more and how to survive in the wild.

*Things fade back to normal for everyone*
Pickle: So you see fool, I saved you! If it weren't for me you'd be an ingredient in that hags stew.
*Shack makes a fist, knuckles turning to white.*
Shack: YOU IDIOT!!! You just don't know when to stop do you?! She said she was going to let you go, but you just had to go and hit her anyway huh?! Because of you, we are stuck this way, and I don't even know who my family is!!! I've never even seen our hometown! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!
*the two begin to struggle as best they can being that they are joined right down the middle*
9,821 posts

Alt is in a far away land for unknown reasons. . . .
Alt: Jayz. It's the other grandmaster. I've been soulswitched with another person, and I need to resolve the problem.
Jayz: Hmmm. . .Perhaps I can help you.
Alt: Find Tar. We need all three of the Trident in order to invoke the Sporkoratoraction.
Jayz: Okay.
*Jayz walks into the shade, then fades into flame in the wind*

789 posts

J: I can't beleive it, this is AWESOME!!!
AL: I find that shallow and podentic.
J: Yeah Yeah your just jealous!!!
AL: No I'm not, although it would be exceptionally fun to have powers
J: Oh, you don't even know the half of it. WEEEEEEEEE
AL: AHHHHHHH, Ow, the problem is it's painful when you fly nad then I talk
J: heh heh heh, I don't get hurt.
AL: I knew you shouldn't have been let around that nuclear powerplant.
J: I wonder if I can catch a bird?
J: Ooo that was a close one, you almost went splat!!!
AL: *sigh* He fell into a nuclear power plant, the nuclear waste hit a section of his brain which gave him super powers, but somehow not us.
"...Oh My Gosh, I never actually thought you would get powers, non the less, even be able to save a kitty from the tree."
J: Well, now I just have to pick the tree up, and safely put the kitty down.
"May God help all of you armor games profiles, Jeff's got powers."

1,077 posts

k: "Nooo!!!:
D: "What?"
k: "The 'creator' is now only typing the first letter of our names!"
N: "Stah't elbirroh!"
G: "That is horrible!"
All: -weeps-
k: "Oh, they only write out words?"
D: "I guess so."
k: "Hey, you never capitalized my 'k'!"
The Creator: "I don't like you, 'k'."
k: "That's just rude, I outta decapitate you!"
The Creator: "Thats it, I bestow upon Nywo's curse!'
N: "Yay! Tiaw I dias taht thgir! Dnimreven."
-big flash of blue light-
k: "Ooon!!!"
O: "Yess!!!"
O: -dances-
k: -weeps- "Ym 'k' si llits esacrewol!"
d: "No one cares. Hey!"

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