KOkay this is were things might get a little messed up i have always argued with everyone over this topic I say ROCK is better no matter what if you say otherwise or if you agree REPLY.
Well, i like both types of music but mostly Rock. Rock requires talent and a lot of work. Although, Rap also requires skill. you have to remember all the lyrics and say them really fast. Listen to one of Eminem's songs and try singing that fast. Eminem actually talks about things you could understand. Also, Linkin Park is a combination of Rock AND Rap. Once you listen to them, you will be amazed. Overall, i think both types of music are great. (Gee, i hope i get a Merit for this lol)
Chang and Raspotinas's posts are the only ones that don't sound like a moron wrote it, and even so there isn't anything but a dry statement to either, so they too may be idiots. By the way, fudge_ems, rock doesn't talk about "what matters any more than rap does, and whats wrong with emos is that they are sheep who join that kind of outlandish group. The fact that they don't "cut" just says that they aren't really serious about what they say and do. Emos most certainly aren't hotter than anyone else like you say, it's not as if that could possibly effect it at all. I'm not going to tell you what I like to listen to because what music I like doesn't matter to anyone but me. The same reason why this whole section is worthless.
i like both, but i like evanescence, even tho im not emo. far from it. i just like that kinda music. in a way, its like they mixed rap an rock together a bit when they made that style of music