KOkay this is were things might get a little messed up i have always argued with everyone over this topic I say ROCK is better no matter what if you say otherwise or if you agree REPLY.
Rock is better. Aerosmith is cool too.
WOO! GO 6862837!!
ROCK! Because Rock actually is real music with complex singing/ instrumentals and also has many other genres expanded from it
well i also like metal, heavy metal, and gothic rock
WHAT RAP STANDS FOR R: retards A: attempting P: poetry!
Rock all the way!
i really perfure rock because u can understand what they are saying unlike rap.
ok i like rock an rap
Well tell why like i like ROCK a lot more than rap is cause look at rap sales commpared to rap sales Rock is so much higher
its all about rock
rap is crap
i like rock more than rap but i also like rap
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