Can you design a keyboard where the 'N' is not in between the 'B' and the 'M'? Then It would be truly devoted to GC;-)
I think I know why we end up at the same place but different methods. But I'll post pics and you tell me what you think. Remember I don't have CE so I'll naturally be behind you in the beginning. But look through about wave 60.
I'll post pics after tnights round but I have to wade through them so there's not so many. There a lot of details left out in snapshots like angering gem grade. It's point a and point b and not HOW from point a to b. If anybody knows the name of software or how to make movie w/ MAC OSx Ill try it next time.
Thanks so much for the link. I downloaded an app called ishowu and recorded a test segment and it quintupled my lag. Icurrently have 2k monsters on track so lag went from tolerable to unbearable. I'll try it again once I've cut the party in half.
good news, i would have been gone all day tomorrow but i dont have to go now so i have anywhere from 0 to 16 hours to work on this game, i could even get to wave 42 by then
I really do appreciate the link. I tried again w/ sound recording off, Min. quality and frame rate from 30 to 5, with about 1000 monsters but still way way waaay slow. Maybe I need to try a different app, there were about a dozen different ones on that page. I'll try some more after this game.
Connor, I left the clock in the corner on these pics so you could compare people time. Hows your game coming?
Heres the pics -
Not a very good start because I sorely under angered but only about 2-3 waves off my best.
-These are the very very beginning
I lost waves 5-22 (yes I really, really looked) Theres 2 pics missing in my sequence but I don't know where they went. Just supered traps and added mana pool and angered pretty standard.
-These waves are extending farm, building my gate keepers, and manapool
-Building DeArmory, gate keeper boost, mana pool boost
Finished mana farm (middle of wave 32 no pic) but at this point the traps are rolling in
-Work, work work Anger Specs for giant 42 Started Angering gems for 54/57/58 - End Session 1.
Session 2 More work through wave 62:
1m manafarm at wave 50
my pics will come at the end of today i think, ill try to send a pic of wave 35ish that will blow your mind, the record is wave 36 by AsSto who had 1.3m mana pool, wave 37 angered to 400 @ 6m hp @ 700k score, and 86b score
its gonna be tough but its been my goal always to beat that start
Nice job munch; I think you pull ahead of me around wave 30 or so, though you can probably anger a bit more in waves 1-10 for the extra mana income.
For a little bit of fun, I went and played the first epic of chapter 1 without any skill points spent. I restarted about 20 times, but only so I could make an orange gem at the start; I only had to rethink my mid-game once. Here's the supergem I used to beat it. [url=]
gatekeepers are his towers to kill the monsters at the end fo teh path, ive never used dearmory because even if a monster has 100,000 armor it wont do much good against a gem with 1m+ (200k+ trap) max dmg......yes im very cruel to my monsters that hate me very much
Connor speaks true. The dearmory becomes obsolete as soon as I start buiding my supergeemed towers. 250 armor is nothing but tin foil for a 100k tower. If you think you under angered compared to my start then you are way under angering. I wasted 3 waves that didn't even turn the first corner >_<
I won't start over though because it's impossible to go 228 flawless. Ijust blew up a 50k super gem because I was transmuting right before I moved and left bomb active. Later I'll accidently call a wave trying to hit the manapool key. (unfortunately this is inevitable). But oh well. Have to carry on.