map one only mode: lvl 18 endurance best score: 1,200 after amulets. by modifying the R/O supergemming strategy, and using O/Y Instead, I was able to get 1,000 exp; I had fewer amulets. I think I should have moved the supergem to a tower after wave 13(or something like that); at any rate, I think I won't have to do quite as much grinding as previously supposed.
conner, whats your strategy for waves 1-40? what gems do you start with, on traps or towers? how much do you supergem/mana pool? whats your usual score at this point
Munch the link I sent you is the same game, just loaded without the surrounding AG frames and stuff so you get a nicer, bigger screen. I have noticed that it loads slower on first load, but then if it is in your local cache it loads pretty fast.
Other than that I find I have to squint less, since I can see more of the game.
hippy i start comining all into 1 grade 6 r/0 then supergem then make another then another til i cover the path at 25-30 at wave 40 i usualy have abuot 100b and have wave42 angered with grade 16s to 450 x 15m