McCain: old, bad pilot, was tortured Obama: did drugs, socialist, listened to 20 years of america hate-speech, has terrorist organizations supporting him
You obviously know very little about either of them if you say those are the only bad things for both. Also, you did not mention good for McCain even though you said you would go with him. Hopefully you do not vote upon what you hear from ads that are ran to smear the other candidate.
There's no point. The point of democracy is to solve the question "Who should win?" Personally I supported McCain, but now that Obama is president I still pray for his administration to be fruitful just as I would have if McCain had been elected. The election was almost half a year ago; just let it go.
The point of democracy is to solve the question "Who should win?"
Actually, democracy solves the question "Who does the general population want in charge?" Many people would still hold the convition that McCain should win after the election, but nobody holds the conviction that the general population wanted McCain anymore. Politically, though, I'd have to agree with you. I'm a conservative who wanted McCain, but it's over and we have to accept it.
I am fine with the winner, mainly because the ideas he stood for on economic issues I believe were better and still are. Do I agree with everything he stands for? Well no, but no president can be perfect and please everyone.
Yet I heard Mitchell Obama say, when Obama was nominated, "For the first time in my life I am proud of my country," and nobody seemed to mind.
Well not really, I remember some people questioning her patriotism, as well as Obama's for not wearing a flag pin. The media(fox news) was basically trying to challenge his patriotism for almost half the race though.
McCain: old, bad pilot, was tortured Obama: did drugs, socialist, listened to 20 years of America hate-speech, has terrorist organizations supporting him
Do you have any proof of any of this besides Obama doing drugs and McCain being old, and tortured? Also why would him being a bad pilot make him a bad president? On another note did you know that quite a few of the United States presidents have done drugs. George W. Bush once got a DUI. It was something that some people do at an early age. They tend to make stupid mistakes sometimes.
Well not really, I remember some people questioning her patriotism, as well as Obama's for not wearing a flag pin. The media(fox news) was basically trying to challenge his patriotism for almost half the race though.
Well yes, Fox News, but mostly only conservatives listen to that station, or at least only conservatives take any of it seriously. I mean this time the media went out of its way to ignore this, but attacked Palin nonstop, even though the democrats thought she did a good job with Alaska (until she was on the ticket). I was only making a point that people were making fun of Sarah Palin for having a down-syndrom child and a pregnant daughter. I wasn't taking a jab at Mitchelle.
The point of democracy is to solve the question "Who should win?" Actually, democracy solves the question "Who does the general population want in charge?" Many people would still hold the convition that McCain should win after the election, but nobody holds the conviction that the general population wanted McCain anymore. Politically, though, I'd have to agree with you. I'm a conservative who wanted McCain, but it's over and we have to accept it.
Actually, I'd say democracy just shows which person is more charismatic and can bring more people over to their side. Obama was more charsimatic than McCain, so when people who hadn't been listening to the debates and such decided to vote at the last moment voted for Obama, simply because they thought he sounded better. I even liked Obama at the start of the campaigning, but I grew disillusioned towards the middle.
Shure, Obama borrows a ton of money, it makes our economy in debt... but that is how the economy increases in size, the new spending bill is already showing its effects in the stock market, shares have begun growing.
The idea behind it is that, this money goes into the circular flow which is used to pay workers, who the save some money, then spend it on final goods and services, this money goes to firms who invest it into infrastructure (bridges and buildings ect.) the builders and other people are hired to build stuff
The other half of his policy know as OMO (open market operations) had the treasury buying mortgage backed securities and other securities from banks, which would increase the amount of cash in the bank. Each bank must hold a required amount (determined by the reserve ratio). The left over cash or surplus is used to lend to people and that is how the money supply will increase.
Firefly, if you find fault with this please correct it as it is 1:47 AM and I'm tired.