Our nation is mostly run on fossil views and other nonrenewable technologies, I personally think this will keep us content for roughly 70 years. After, we will be in a rut, and hopefully, before we run out of sources, we could invest in renewable energy.
If you believe in renewable energy, what source do you think would be the wisest? (Wind Power, Hydropower, etc.)
Solar power is the best option, (In my opinion) especially after looking at the Pros and Cons.
Then they should just store the energy and use it to power the car directly lol.
Well yeah, and they probably will do that. But there is always a chance for a crappy day when the sun gets covered by clouds and you will eventually run out of power.
This hydrogen combustion can power itself if it starts going, which would be an ideal energy source. Just figuring out how to get it going is the problem.
Okay, first of all gasoline powered vehicles are the least efficient way of transportation. Yes, by burning them, we release most of the energy, making it efficient in yield, but in vehicles on a very small fraction of this energy is used, as most of the energy is released as heat. In power plants, this is more efficient.
Solar panels are not as efficient, but what makes them better is that after they are placed, no one needs to do anything. They can be on every roof top, just collecting energy. Same with wind turbines, no one needs to worry about them, and they do not create and polluting fumes. These qualities completely outweigh a slightly more efficient fuel power plant, that ruins the air we breath.
Flip, popular science had top ten inventors, and one of them was a person who re designed the engine.
You said that most of the fuel is given off as heat. The inventor thought if he could harness that heat energy, the engine would become more efficient.
He accomplished this by adding another cylinder, and inject water into the hot engine cylinder, effectively turning the water to steam. This expansion moves the cylinders.
This supposedly increases engine and fuel efficiency by 32-39%
yea, but the engine is more efficient therefore it uses less gasoline, because lets face it solar power sucks, it can't make the car goes as fast as pure fossil fuel and the occasional explosive burst of nitrous oxide.
..... Hydrogen is a horrible fuel source for a car.
the pressure of each combustion would be too great for the car engine to bare. There is a way to dampen the hydrogen, they encase the fuel tank, engine, and injectors with steel plates and when the occasion arises that it does explode there is a weakness in the plates off to the left side of the car, driving the exhaust and pressure out of the car.
I think renewable energy is a great idea, but how you go about doing it is what worries me. You need to do it for the right reasons. Global warming is not a good reason to do implement alternative energies. We need to do it for economic reasons and energy independence. If you do it to stop global warming then nothing will get done. Btw, volcanoes put out more carbon emissions then we could if we tried.