This will be an ethical question thread, that will relate mainly to religious beliefs and ethics. Hopefully it will be a good idea and people will want to play.
Each week I will present a topic, and you may discuss it, and bring your morality into the question.
This week: soldiers have come to search your house! They will kill you and eat you if they find you. You are hiding in the closet farther away from the door than your friend who is hiding underneath a sofa. The people eating soldiers stop in front of the sofa, and start bending over slowly to see if there is anyone underneath it. You see this through the crack in the door. You have 2 choices to jump out, scream and run out the door to save your bestest friend in the whole world, or you can watch them drag him away.
basically would you save yourself? or would you save your friend.
I would save the child anyway. The policeman would probably be too busy helping me get the child to safety after I pulled him out of the ice to notice who I was anyway. When he is calling for help or back-up or an ambulance or WHATEVER he would do, I would just slip away while he was busy with that.
Pointing the kid out & running are irrelevant to the question. It's not a real scenario - it's just meant to make you choose between jail time or being partly responsible for the death of a child.
DDX is on hiatus. I would post a question in his absence, but I haven't been following the thread well enough to know what hasn't been asked.So just try to find someone who does know.
Alrighty, DDX gave me permission to post a question. Hopefully it hasn't already been used, but if it has just tell me and I'll think of something new.
Let's base it off of something real life...
You live in North Korea, and flyers are spread across the street. They say "Fight For Your Freedom!" and have a large picture of the American flag. The soldiers patrolling the area have just turned their backs, and are about to look the direction of the child. Whoever is caught with the flyer will be executed. Do you grab the flyer from the child or walk away as fast as you can? There is not enough time to hide the flyer.
As a christian I would try to save my freind. Teh bible says to put others before yourself. And I would go to heaven if I died anyway.
If your a question you know in the bible it says something like "thoust shall not commit suicide". And if you know you would die if you tried to save your friend isn't that basicly suicide?
I myself as a CHristian would have something in the closet (face it you always have something in the closet). Lets say even a shirt or something I would get out scream like a banshee and charge them all (hoping they'd be startled at 1st). Then hopefully kill one of those sob. (Bystrangling).
I would walk away. It is my life or the kids and to me my life is more important. Self preservation is a nice excuse. Unfortuneatly I assume the child wouldn't have understood it was wrong to pick up the flyer but if it does then it is it's own fault and it has to dal with the consequences.
If your a question you know in the bible it says something like "thoust shall not commit suicide". And if you know you would die if you tried to save your friend isn't that basicly suicide?
Eh, the bible isn't so black/white on suicide. The passages where it is relevant are a little more... 'wordy'. Corinthian 3:16-17 say it well though (KJB):
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
I don't think self-sacrifice for a friend or a loved one really counts as suicide though - after all, did Jesus not sacrifice himself to absolve mankind of sin?
Now, for my own response to the question. I'd walk away. Sacrificing myself for the sake a child I don't even know is too high a cost. If it were merely corporal punishment - I would certainly consider it, but I have no concept of value in a single stranger's child & have no idea if they would contribute more to the world then I.
I myself as a CHristian would have something in the closet
You would have something in the closet because you're a Christian or you would get something from the closet because you're a Christian?
I don't think self-sacrifice for a friend or a loved one really counts as suicide though - after all, did Jesus not sacrifice himself to absolve mankind of sin?
HiddenDistance is right. Sacraficing yourself for another isn't suicide, because you use your life to protect another. Suicide would be wasting your life for no cause.
And and sorry for my second last post I only read the 1st page.
Heres what I would do If I were an NK I'd yell at to the guard that there was a traitor of a child distributing propaganda papers because I would have been brainwashed into thinking that right?
About A,B,C question I'd choose C (knowing that it's Hitler and when he started taking our the freedoms I'd get a assain) because the other people I think would ruin our economy far worse (like cause deaths that would have killed lots of people and taken alot of people out of their jobs) Like what Churchil did. He should have left Germany alone but worked on his defensive majorly to be 100% prepared with better trained army, navy, Raf, AAF, RV and more material.
Now Abortion question I'm 100% against abortion no matter what so I'd tell her let the kid live.
Test question: I'd say I did it then tell all my classmates the real culprit and make everyone owe me.
Now the enemy question I'd kick him in the ribs twice then help him. (The reason I hate him is because he spray paints church walls, he is racist, sexist, prejudice, and (s)he burns bibles.