This will be an ethical question thread, that will relate mainly to religious beliefs and ethics. Hopefully it will be a good idea and people will want to play.
Each week I will present a topic, and you may discuss it, and bring your morality into the question.
This week: soldiers have come to search your house! They will kill you and eat you if they find you. You are hiding in the closet farther away from the door than your friend who is hiding underneath a sofa. The people eating soldiers stop in front of the sofa, and start bending over slowly to see if there is anyone underneath it. You see this through the crack in the door. You have 2 choices to jump out, scream and run out the door to save your bestest friend in the whole world, or you can watch them drag him away.
basically would you save yourself? or would you save your friend.
I would walk away. It is my life or the kids and to me my life is more important. Self preservation is a nice excuse. Unfortuneatly I assume the child wouldn't have understood it was wrong to pick up the flyer but if it does then it is it's own fault and it has to dal with the consequences.
I'm not sure what I would do if I was in the situation. It's one thing to talk about it from the safety of our own homes, than to actually be out there doing it. For the sake of discussion however, I'd have to agree with you. What did the kid do to deserve my life anyway? Being young and not knowing isn't a good enough reason for me to give up my life.
I would tell the kid to tear the flyer in half and laugh and then walk away quickly, hoping that seeing the child tear up the flyer would make the soldiers happy and leave the child alone.
I would probably just jump in and start ripping as much flyers as I can that are on the ground and including the one in the boys hand. Then maybe that would make the soldiers happy? Who knows. But thats what I would do.
greetings mentlegens and ladies. I am currently back from my very long hiatus (3 months and counting baby!) to do some forum threads, i.e. my ethics one and my new one (the cod4/halo3 thread)
anyway here is the new question! enjoy! >
Put yourself in the position of "Michelle," a single mother of four children Michelle's life is a mess. She lives in crowded three-room apartment with the four kids and her elderly mother, whose medical bills have grown unbearable in recent months.
As Michelle reflects on all these difficulties, she sees a woman draped in fur emerge from a Cadillac. The woman's wallet falls from her purse to the ground Michelle picks the wallet up and discovers, to her amazement, that it is stuffed with hundred-dollar bills. She has only an instant to decide whether to chase after the woman or slip the wallet into her own purse.
If she returns the money to the woman (who, from the looks of it, can probably afford to lose it) she will give up a chance to take care of her family responsibilities. But keeping the money isn't fair to the woman, regardless of her financial position. Stealing, after all, is wrong, isn't it?
Haha guess I wouldn't have needed to post died for awhile anyway.
Anyway, I think I'd have to keep the money though. Stealing is wrong, but since Michelle really needs the money it wouldn't be as bad. Instead of that money going towards another fur coat it will save lives.
If she returns the money to the woman (who, from the looks of it, can probably afford to lose it) she will give up a chance to take care of her family responsibilities.
Since this woman can afford to lose it, and yes, me and my children are barely scraping by, I would probably keep it. Hopefully if I decided to return it this person would offer a reward of some sort. It isn't fair to the woman who lost the money, but life's not fair. In her case, she lost a couple hundred dollars. In my case, my family and I are unable to pay our bills and have to find money just to get by. Just to be fair, though, I wouldn't spend the money on anything but necessities.
It is funny because studies show that in this situation had it been a male (father) they would have kept the money, but females (mother) put into this situation would have returned the money. Myself, I would have kept the money to feed my needy family.
I would probably take out all the money, and then return the wallet, since losing credit cards is a pain(my dad lost his wallet, he had to make 2 dozen phone calls)
Oh dang that's tough... I think I would keep the money...I need it. And besides, that rich lady doesn't need it. I mean, it's her or my sick, (dying?) mother and 4 kids, who did you think I was going to choose.
Right, most of the time people would opt for themselves in the time of need rather than resorting to ethical behavior, I'm very intrigued that no one has yet to decide to return the wallet (even I decided to keep it).
Right, most of the time people would opt for themselves in the time of need rather than resorting to ethical behavior
Actually, for me it comes down to the fact that there are other people involved, especially children. If it was just me, I might return it, but I might also get desperate in the situation. With children involved, it seems more ethical to help them AND yourself rather than one woman who didn't even need help.
Honestly, I would let them take him. I know it's cold, but I value my own life over another person's life. Anyone who says something else is either an incredibly nice person or a liar.
However, I would probably run out if it would save multiple people, or if the other person was important enough (leader, scientist, etc).
Actually, for me it comes down to the fact that there are other people involved, especially children. If it was just me, I might return it, but I might also get desperate in the situation. With children involved, it seems more ethical to help them AND yourself rather than one woman who didn't even need help.
I agree. The money is worth much more when it's saving lives, especially the lives of children.