This will be an ethical question thread, that will relate mainly to religious beliefs and ethics. Hopefully it will be a good idea and people will want to play.
Each week I will present a topic, and you may discuss it, and bring your morality into the question.
This week: soldiers have come to search your house! They will kill you and eat you if they find you. You are hiding in the closet farther away from the door than your friend who is hiding underneath a sofa. The people eating soldiers stop in front of the sofa, and start bending over slowly to see if there is anyone underneath it. You see this through the crack in the door. You have 2 choices to jump out, scream and run out the door to save your bestest friend in the whole world, or you can watch them drag him away.
basically would you save yourself? or would you save your friend.
Indeed it does keep you alive. Although a choice no one has considered is when they find your friend is for you yourself to pop out of the closet at that time and going down with your friend. Better to go down together than only one to survive?
well the way I see it is you stay quiet your friend is found and they carry on searching and find you <both dead> or you run out get caught and are eaten and then they search the house find the friend and he is eaten <both dead> I would stay put out of laziness.
I think that the odds are that you'll be found anyway because the soldiers will assume there's more people in the house if they find at least one person. Talo, how the hell does this offend you!?
For ethics sake, We'll say one of you lives for sure depending on your actions, if you draw them away, they wont come back. To put into retrospect, one of you dies, the other one lives.
I'd chose the friend. Thinking about it, I don't even hesitate, but I don't really know how I'd react in a real situation. I'd like to think that I'd do the exact same thing, because I'd want my friend to survive more than myself honestly. Still, in the moment fear is a powerful motivator, whether its beneficial or negative to what you want to do.
For ethics sake, We'll say one of you lives for sure depending on your actions, if you draw them away, they wont come back. To put into retrospect, one of you dies, the other one lives.
Ok in that case I would continue to hide. Theres nothing like the self preservation society Piliavins cost-reward system would help the personal harm to me if I run is greater than the emotional harm if I hide in my opinion.
Ok in that case I would continue to hide. Theres nothing like the self preservation society Piliavins cost-reward system would help the personal harm to me if I run is greater than the emotional harm if I hide in my opinion.
Ah good man, survival of the luckiest I say. I would judge you and say you were a bad friend, but then again I would probably do the same.
Wow people, this conversation should be over. You jump and run and scream, odds are they will kill you, then continue to search the house, thus finding your friend? Your dead either way cause eventually there gonna look in the closet lol...
Wow people, this conversation should be over. You jump and run and scream, odds are they will kill you, then continue to search the house, thus finding your friend? Your dead either way cause eventually there gonna look in the closet lol...
uhh if youd read the later posts, youd understand that one of you live to tell the tale no matter what.
I find difficulty in answering the question as it presupposes actions on my part that I wouldn't have taken in the first place.
basically what I'm looking for is would you sacrifice yourself for your friend. If you do, the now not hungry soldiers will not eat your friend, and he will run away.
basically what I'm looking for is would you sacrifice yourself for your friend.
Self-sacrifice is quite the virtue, but people I maintain friendships with are not the sorts of people that would be cowering under a bed in that kind of situation. It's an interesting dilemma, but I'm saying I can't answer the question because there are many ways in which it doesn't apply.