
309 60546
85 posts

Yo, theres alot of rumors out there about mormons. Ill tell you what we realy belive. Jesus is my savior and the book of mormon has jesus in it, he went to the americas after being resurected. Second, We don't beleive in plural mearage. Third, Our first prophet, Joseph Smith, did and saw everything that is said about him. some persecute us because he was so young.What about samuel the boy prophet in the old testimant? think about all of this

  • 309 Replies
4,871 posts

Job refered to heaven. Daniel with earth. Wow wait is LSD the people who think they are the choosen 144,000? Or are you just showing me the verse that refers to..heaven. fourth..heaven.

God released his gospel back onto the earth when he felt it was right. all of the Lord's true church died out in the apostacy

So God was keeping us blind an ignorant?Second, why aren't your view clearly mentioned in the bible?

Like I said before, this doctrine is OURS. It's not going to sound right to a Baptist, because it's not their doctrine. The same goes for all religions, if it's not their doctrine, they are going to say it's wrong.

Were arguing if the book of mormon is compatible with the bible.
158 posts

samy, apparently you aren't going to accept any explanation we provide. this thread is not for arguing about religion, it was to inform people about mormons and clear up any rumors they had. i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you, because it's pointless. i guess your not going to give up until we like bow down at your feet or something, i don't know. but i know in my heart that my religion is right.

Were arguing if the book of mormon is compatible with the bible

Like I said before, this doctrine is OURS. It's not going to sound right to a Baptist, because it's not their doctrine. The same goes for all religions, if it's not their doctrine, they are going to say it's wrong.

exactly as snakebite said, since you don't believe that the book of mormon is true you'll never agree that it is in fact compatible. so you trying to disprove the book of mormon on this thread is pointless.
4,871 posts

samy, apparently you aren't going to accept any explanation we provide. this thread is not for arguing about religion, it was to inform people about mormons and clear up any rumors they had. i'm not going to waste my time arguing with you, because it's pointless. i guess your not going to give up until we like bow down at your feet or something, i don't know. but i know in my heart that my religion is right.

I've read all of this in the bible! I've resarched half of those verses i know a lot about them! It's not compatible becuase you haven't shown me how it is, you haven't shown me where it says one sin is worse than another, you haven't shown me one that proves paradise is real. I also know in my heart my religion is right! Obviously one of us is wrong, and if you havent noticed my arguing with you has also been futile, don't pin this just on me. No I don't expect you to bow down at my feet i expect you to show me why your right based on what i alreadly believe i.e. the bible.
158 posts

i expect you to show me why your right based on what i alreadly believe i.e. the bible.

exactly as i've said before. most of the basis of our religion is in the book of mormon, and since you don't believe in it, you are not going to agree that it is compatible or agree that any verses in the bible support it. because they don't seem that way to you.
4,871 posts

*Sigh* whatever.

1,353 posts

I would back up samy right now , but I dont really understand what were fighting about lol.

4,871 posts

it's all good, but obviously he ignored my post on his profile *hint*hint*

Showing 301-307 of 309