Yo, theres alot of rumors out there about mormons. Ill tell you what we realy belive. Jesus is my savior and the book of mormon has jesus in it, he went to the americas after being resurected. Second, We don't beleive in plural mearage. Third, Our first prophet, Joseph Smith, did and saw everything that is said about him. some persecute us because he was so young.What about samuel the boy prophet in the old testimant? think about all of this
I think mormons do catch a lot of flak because of the whole polygamy thing, which some branches of Mormonism (is that a word) still subscribe to. I think people make fun of Joseph Smith because of the manner in which he read and delivered the prophecy, but that's not for me to judge. In my opinion, all religions that believe in god are wrong, but if they teach people good morals and to be kind towards others, then it's a good thing. I have several Mormon friends and they're all really nice, genuine people. And I have _never_ had a mormon try to press their religion on me, which I really appreciate.
That's the part of the Mormon faith I do not like. I don't really like a religion that tells people what they can and cannot do. It's too oppressive for me.
How random, I was just piddling around and I found a place where you can speak live with a Mormon and ask questions. I guess the guy types really slowly, because he hasn't answered mine yet, but this is exciting.
After watching the South Park episode that knocked the Mormon faith, I couldn't believe anyone actually bought into the religion. But I just talked to a Mormon online and apparantly many people misrepresent the story. I guess they get to join the Polish as people who get picked on for no reason.