Soad is kind of confusing to me. I see them as a not serious or joking band. Metallica is dead serious. Soad doesn't have great music brilliance. Their music is sort of sloppy and random.
Have you ever heard Unforgiven I & II, Fade To Black, or The Day That Never Comes? Their style is varied and not always that heavy.
Only the last. I'll try them out.
Well for me, it all depends on what mood I'm in. If I'm in a head banging mood ready to scream my heart out, then Metallica. If I'm in a "dude! way sick!" mood, then SOAD. But overall, i think SOAD is a bit better just do to my personal opinion of their freaky lyrics and diverse music.
And of course, you're right! Everything depends of mood
Metallica - they have a lot of good albums and are still going strong by making another one with more awesome songs. James voice is better than serjs too
Personally I like both of the bands, but if I had to choose I would go with System of a down because of the way in which their songs are played. Serj provides a unique vocal element and lyrics. And to top it off they have toxicity
Metallica is too boring to listen to (thanks to their rather bad drummer) and System of a Down is alternative metal (seriously, it's a genre that couldn't be even remotely good EVER). Still I'd say Metallica since they have written good songs...for other bands to play.
SoaD, because they have more instrumental variety, and Metallica's music gets tiring after a while. SoaD has more complex music, and a crapload of unique instruments to boot.
I used to listen to SoaD. Not any more, like I "grew over it". And I agree about tiring Mettalica music. I just can't listen Mettalica for long time. I get a headache. But if I had to chose I would chose Metallica, of course. Unique sound and as noobkiller360 said "a lot of good albums". They don't have any bad song, just excellent and extraordinary ones.
im gonna go with system of a down, because they never came out with load/reload/st anger/death magnetic. tho half of soad's songs are filler... i used to really, really like them..but honestly they really arent much better than metallica.
I think System of a Down was one of the first Numetal bands, and that these really can't be compared. Also that you can't take era's and put them together.