To mods or admins: This has to do with religion so I think it belongs here. If it doesn't tell me where it should go, please, or move it.
The thing is... I don't know what to believe in.
My history: I was raised as a Roman Catholic. I started reasearching different religions I don't know how long ago. I'm fine with lesbian/gay relationships and I'm willing to hear anything you'll tell me. If you want to know more about the beliefs I have now, ask me.
I know I want to believe in a diety, and I'm pretty sure I want to remain a Christian. But I'm open to other ideas as well. I'm just asking that you tell me about your religion so I can get more information.
Attitudes towards homosexuals should have nothing to do with religion.
Actually a lot of peoples attitude to homosexuality is based on there religon despite it not having anything to do with it.
It is very hard to change someones view depending on how open minded they are and a lot of the time people tend to be very arrogant about there beliefs after being raised as a certain religon.
I'm UU (Unitarian Universalist) I get respected for what I belevie unlike other religions where people would get mad if I was homosexual which I'm not. People just need to learn how to except each other...
As a thought on the "homosexuality conundrum" homosexuality is a sin but so is lust and hating someone. Christians aren't perfect by any means were just supposed to feel guilty and WANT to change to be more like what God wants us to be, homosexuality is ok BUT it is a sin so by that means if you do not repent of it truly it remains "on your heart" or whatever you like to call it. Also marriage is a jewdaistic (ha new word) practice so homosexual marriages is a bit off but so is non jews christians or muslims getting married (not that that's my opinion it's just kinda..there)
I'll agree with you if you show me the verse. But I guarantee you that if you're thinking of Leviticus, they only speak out against sodomy. Besides, homosexuality is not completely a choice (something Jesus said HIMSELF)so it being a sin would be unfair.
Er, yes because you need to defend yourself if you consider yourself a Christian..sorry
And YOU need to provide some actual evidence or a bunch of people will inevitably get irritated. . .quit slinging insults like that and dubious statements about stuff that is supposedly in the bible and support your points. Really, sodomy does not = homosexuality. The bible only, at least to my knowledge, denounces sodomy, when it says 'if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman, then he has done what is detestable. He should be put to death.' (paraphrased.) Now, support your point. Show a Biblw passage or paraphrase one where it states that homosexuality is a soin, or nobody will believe you.