I've been asking many people this question, and theyre answers have varied greatly. Yes, Atheism is the belief of no higher power, but is that really a [i]lack of religion, or is it a religion? 1. This depends on peoples beliefs or what constitutes as a religion. 2. Is a lack of religion, a religion?
monotheistic, polytheistic, no gods... have you read at all the earlier posts? your arguments against it is that in a religion there is a code of conduct and a diety, Budda means "enlightened one" and it is the prime goal of the buddhists to become one, siddhartha (founder) did not say it was a god, rather find it to have rules (way of life) in order to attain that peaceful state
Now way of life (rules) you already set your own rules in life like when you have to pee you use the toilet, you eat when your hungry, if there is a game you have to play in you try not to be late, and there are higher rules a majority of the people agreed on called laws. you already have a goal in life, if you argue you don't, then your goal is to not have one!
all humans are different so each has a different interpretation of major religions...look at first page if you have questions i don't wanna type it all out again
I'm not sure whether or not I would consider it a religion, but I don't see anything wrong with the people who call it one. It is very closely related to religion, so I think that it could be debated.
No, because everybody accepts science as true (or everyone rational, regardless of religion). Atheism is based on science, but is not science itself.
false! science is mainly theories that are constantly being proved wrong, only to be built up under a different light.
People used to be believe the sun revolved around the earth, however this was disproven by our friendly astronomer Galileo. The church mainly dictated science at that time, and believe that Humanity was the center of the universe, however, that is incorrect.
The major difference between science and religion is that science is alive because it changes and adapts each time a piece of it is shot down. Other religions such as Christianity only have a limited amount of resources to work with (bible, Qu'ran, old testament, ect.)
Atheism is the rejection of religion (belief) I was just trying to say that rejection of belief is niegh impossible because you have to believe in something. I chose science because it was the only thing somewhat related to atheism.
false! science is mainly theories that are constantly being proved wrong, only to be built up under a different light.
My mistake. But I mean the logic behind science is generally accepted, in that we will continue to use science to explain things, even if we add and subtract to it. I was only saying that science changes to fit the people, while people change religions to fit themselves. Slightly different, but I understand you were just making an analogy.
I wouldn't consider Atheism as a religion. Atheists belive that theres no such thing as a god, and mainly belive in the worlds creation as the scientefic explaination "Big-Bang".
wow guys seriously there are multiple definitions of religion, and go9ing by this one off dictionary.com...
something one believes in and follows devotedly;a point or matter of ethics or conscience
or this one:
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects
now compare to the definition of atheism
the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
now looking at this it seems by definition according to interpretation that Atheism does seem to be a religion. You don't need to believe in a god to be a religion you know. Now I could go more into detail but am in a rush here so goodbye.