in my history class we just stared talking about Nuclear weapons and we all know that every one was afraid of them in the cold war but if no one is going to use them are they not just chunks of metal and they hold no real power any more.
Nuclear weapons are a horrible thing. They (as in the bombs) can destroy a whole country if powerful enough. The bombs can also sound a large amount of radiation into the sky killing some important things in which we need to survive. Nukes also cause so much damage that it will cost a lot of money to repair it, in the millions or even billions! Then, the damage from the bomb will kill thousands of people at the minimum! So, what I am trying to say is that bombs are a horrible thing. They should not be used at all. The only good thing is that America can use Nukes for threats, hopefully.
The only good thing is that America can use Nukes for threats, hopefully.
And e-penor size, but really that is about it. Because of the nuclear treaty, any nation who has nuclear capabilities must allow the United States to barge in for random checks.
And e-penor size, but really that is about it. Because of the nuclear treaty, any nation who has nuclear capabilities must allow the United States to barge in for random checks.
ut that just gives another reason to bomb the place. If they are going in to check were they have bombs, would they use that bomb for a threat. Telling them not to come anywhere near it?
well, here is the thing. they may not be being used, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. nuclear missiles are the most powerful weapon we have currently. all it takes is one missile to cause utter devastation and annihilation. imagine a nuclear war, where hundreds of nukes are fired at once. that would destroy entire countries, kill millions of innocent.
and yes, they ultimately do serve a purpose: to bring about destruction. they are only good if you want to destroy something until it is nothing but the atoms. so don't think they hold no real power, they hold a power far greater than any weapons ever created by man. and think about it, it started with an atomic bomb that had to be dropped from a B-2 bomber. now, they are long ranged missiles, containing hundreds of war heads and capable of getting to their targets without having to fly them over by plane. just think of what they will be next.
maybe, at this rate, they will some day destroy entire worlds. after all, the atom bomb from WWII was only a one hundredth of the power nuclear force is capable of. i shudder at the thought of a weapon 100 times more powerful. well not really actually. my grand grandparents helped to build the atom bombs in world war 2, so i can actually appreciate them and admire them in some ways.
To awnser the question to the thread, yes they are good for some things, threats, and defensive purposes. Don't attack us, or you go boom. That's all I can think of right now, but I'm pretty sure there's alot of good things.
Man, I wish we could have just used the atom bomb for WWII, then the makers could have gotten amnesia and forgot all about it. I'm telling you, if the world is going to end, it's cause will be nuclear weapons.
Okay, think of it this way, imagine yourself being an actual country, but in a metaphorical tone. When you have nuclear warheads, it's liek having a loaded magnum at all the other country's heads at ALL TIMES. It's a constant death threat to all who oppose you. Not to mention they're one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern warfare. Think of it, hell, giant robot wars may just become real in the next 300 years because of the power of Nuclear Energy.
Nukes stopped the Cold War, bro. Conventional forces will never fight another country if they both have nukes. Mutually assured destruction, or MAD, has made it insane.
In the hands of fanatics, of course, its a whole different question...
So President Obama wants to create a world free of nuclear weapons? A noble, worldly and decent goal. And also the first truly stupid idea I�ve heard him come out with. It�s a grand, sweeping statement that will rally support and inspire many people, but at the end of the day, if he succeeded
Just thought I'd point out, (even hypothetical questions :P) that it will be highly unlikely that US ever does that, because noone would want to give up their fail safe defense. Though you pose an interesting question.
well now a days u r not a big country if u have no nukes i think Russia, China, USA, and most reacently North Corea like to show that they r superior and they can destroy anyone that threatens them, but i'm thinking no offense but why don't they just stop with the nukes why don't they tahe them to mars and just blow them up or somethin'