I know there's definitely another post like this somewhere. I swear I searched for it, but once I got to page 25 of discussions and couldn't find it, I decided to make a new one.
The title says it all. What do you think about the dropping of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
"Death solves all problems-No man, no problem." -J. Stalin
[quote]Since I think at this point you're just trying to be funny, I'm not going to get pissed over it. Still, I'm not going to listen to a quote from someone who has absolutely no decent morals.
Well he's right, so what if he is trying to be funny J. Stalin realy said that, and I'm not sure if J. Stalin ment for it to be a joke I realy don't know because I'm not a big fan of him. Just get over it its true.
Wow...you did not read my post at all, did you? I know Stalin said that, I know its true, but I don't accept that as a valid point on the issue of dropping the Atomic bomb. There's nothing to get over, so why would you tell me to get over something?
Wow...you did not read my post at all, did you? I know Stalin said that, I know its true, but I don't accept that as a valid point on the issue of dropping the Atomic bomb. There's nothing to get over, so why would you tell me to get over something?
My apologies, I read your post and I understood that you aren't pissed. It is possible to not be pissed but still not be over something that happened. I'm sorry mik please forgive me.
It was either invading Japan and risking the deaths of Americans (america theme song plays) or bombing them and killing a few thousand Japanese (evil theme song plays)
Either your insensitive to a point beyond belief, or your one of those idiots who just try's to get a reaction and thinks its fun. I'm betting your a combination of both.
I'm in an extremely flame oriented mood tonight, so feel free to post a few more times and get even more off topic and away from sensible reality.
Look, every person who dies gives your future ancestors a better chance to live.
Wrong. Maybe one of those people would have discovered a cure to cancer, or had an ancestor that ended up saving my ancestors life. This isn't about survival of the fittest. It doesn't work like that anymore. Just because someone died doesn't mean my ancestor is going to live, I really don't see any justification for that theory.
[/quote]This isn't about survival of the fittest. It doesn't work like that anymore. Just because someone died doesn't mean my ancestor is going to live, I really don't see any justification for that theory.[quote]
Fine, lets overpopulate the earth, see how easy it is to survive.
Fine, lets overpopulate the earth, see how easy it is to survive.
Your worried about a single viewpoint. Overpopulation may be a threat, but killing people isn't a way to solve that. I'm willing to bet the people that were killed would have been more a benefit to society than a burden. Yes, I'm worried about overpopulation too, but we have to rethink the way we live. Instead of building giant mansions, we may have to switch to apartment skyscrapers. Realistically, overpopulation in terms of a space issue isn't that big a threat. As for natural resources, we're screwed on that front anyways with the way the planets going, so I don't think having a few million more people in a world of billions is going to drastically alter that. How about adjusting to the environment, instead of killing things for once?
It was necesary. The japanese were ready to go to any lengths to kill americans and it was droped to end the war and save american lives.
Yet again, placing more value on some lives than others. At this point I'm getting tired of the thread, but if posts like this continue...
Yes, it saved American lives. We've gone over that. The point is that it cost other lives as well. Its not like just because someone of our nationality didn't die its perfectly fine.