ForumsWEPRThe Atomic Bomb

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I know there's definitely another post like this somewhere. I swear I searched for it, but once I got to page 25 of discussions and couldn't find it, I decided to make a new one.

The title says it all. What do you think about the dropping of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

  • 122 Replies
424 posts

I never said that killing civilians was the right thing to do did I? I'm sure I didn't. I said that it was necesary to protect my country, my ancestors, and the people of america. Where in there do I say it was ok to kill them mike412?

2 posts

That's a great way to remember the lives lost there....

Nope. I know it ended the war, but the deaths of so many civilians...that's not part of war, that's slaughter.

Ah the worlds smallest violin playing my heart bleeds for you. NOT!!!! It ended the war against our enemy, and in my opinion any action necessary is right.

2 posts

By the way mike killing civilians drops moral causing a lack of fighting spirit and a weaker enemy. And the germans had been doing the same thing for years except they used conventional bombs which killed slowly in house fires boiling water in rivers (by the way my grandma was there so i know) and cooking them alive. So half a second of light then instant death. So nuke is better (back then).

598 posts

So half a second of light then instant death. So nuke is better

suppose you wouldnt care if someone nuked america and kill you either would you.

Watch this

it starts at 1:35
598 posts

suppose you wouldnt care if someone nuked america and kill you either would you.

ehhh damnit wait, not america, but where ever you live
452 posts

Well, I heard that Germany was also trying to develop an atomic bomb. I am Japanese (do not shoot me, lawlz) and trying to think about how Germany could've developed the nuke faster than America. Well, I am thinking that it would've had a catastrophic result, because they were against Jews. So, even though the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I'm pretty satisfied with the world that we have here, right now.

340 posts

Well...............Germany forced out a certain group of people who were incredible physicists(no one saw that coming) and of course the sabotage of plants that produced the materials needed to create the bomb(I think I can remember the bombing of a heavy water plant and a Graphite mine??? Not too sure about the 2nd one).

2 posts

I believe it was Hiroshima that was a mistake because of weather the plane went off coarse, but it was suppose to hit Tokyo but just think if the Germans or the Japanese completed the nuke before us then we would have lost the war.
War is costly but thankfully we won because we don't conquer, we free.

2,763 posts

Personally, I think that the dropping of the atomic bombs was completely justified. We had already lost millions of men and had no intention of losing more.

Yes killing of innocents is completely justified, like who cares of the thousands of childrens lives destroyed. Like you wouldn't mind having the same thing done to you? For the benefit of the greater good am I right?

Hey if anything that prevents war is justified why don't we just develop a drug that suppresses emotion and intelligence?

Or why don't we just kill everyone in a painless manner, so there is no way of having destructive wars?
223 posts

Personally, I think that the dropping of the atomic bombs was completely justified. We had already lost millions of men and had no intention of losing more.

Yes killing of innocents is completely justified, like who cares of the thousands of childrens lives destroyed. Like you wouldn't mind having the same thing done to you? For the benefit of the greater good am I right?

Hey if anything that prevents war is justified why don't we just develop a drug that suppresses emotion and intelligence?

Or why don't we just kill everyone in a painless manner, so there is no way of having destructive wars?

Darkroot, there is no easy way to say this: War is pain. Let's say you were in the same situation. You have the choice of dropping a bomb to end a war. However, it will destroy a city and it's inhabitants. You're army is losing. If you do not drop it, you will lose the war and the country you were fighting for will have it's inhabitants, which is probably somewhere higher in the people count, mercilessly killed. Sacrifice the few to save the many.

Is it right? Probably not. Is it wrong? Probably not. Either way, thousands, or millions, needed to die. America is a cruel b*tch for it. The Japanese were a valiant people. And...

For the benefit of the greater good am I right?

Yes. Yes, you are.
1,532 posts

. You're army is losing. If you do not drop it, you will lose the war and the country you were fighting for will have it's inhabitants, which is probably somewhere higher in the people count, mercilessly killed. Sacrifice the few to save the many.

Estimation is at 1 million troops would of died trying to take the japanese mainland. Also, the russians had taken berlin, ending the war in the west, and were sweeping the east. If we didnt drop the bomb, russia would of swept in and spread their influence of communism even further.

Yes killing of innocents is completely justified, like who cares of the thousands of childrens lives destroyed. Like you wouldn't mind having the same thing done to you? For the benefit of the greater good am I right?

Theirs a reason the U.S. picked hiroshima. They could of easily picked tokyo or some larger city.

I always wondered if Roosevelt, if he never died before seeing the completion of the bomb, would had of decided to drop it or not?
4,005 posts

Theirs a reason the U.S. picked hiroshima. They could of easily picked tokyo or some larger city.

Yeah, it's because there was too much smoke over Yokohama, and if they had destroyed Tokyo they would have killed the very people whom they needed to sign the peace treaty, so they picked a different target.
2 posts

the russians had taken berlin, ending the war in the west, and were sweeping the east. If we didnt drop the bomb, russia would of swept in and spread their influence of communism even further.
And to add to that do you know that the Russians ransacked and pillaged homes, they would have raped and killed because they were drunk on vodkia. At least we destroyed only two cities because the Russians would have destroyed many, physiclly and politiclly.
340 posts

And to add to that do you know that the Russians ransacked and pillaged homes, they would have ***** and killed because they were drunk on vodka. At least we destroyed only two cities because the Russians would have destroyed many, physiclly and politiclly.

C'mon man, you're better than that.

A lot of the russian soldiers were ANGRY, they wanted revenge. Do you also realize that man is capable of unspeakable things if driven to a certain point (hell, like we would even need a reason).

The reason why the bomb was dropped over those 2 cities were because of 2 reasons: Cloud cover over a target they picked before and attacking a "holy" city was not a smart idea (may also have been because one of the planners of the attack liked the cultural aspect of the city and did not want it turned into ash, but need to gather facts on that). You may not have liked the impact the bomb had, but it was a lesser evil, because the alternative to the bomb was of course: the invasion of heavily fortified islands (a plan that worked out so swell before) and then risk millions of lives on both sides. There was also a chance that a coup would be staged that would have dethroned the emperor and leave Japan in the hands of "DEATH OR HONOR" military commanders.

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

-Gen William T. Sherman
1,532 posts

And to add to that do you know that the Russians ransacked and pillaged homes, they would have ***** and killed because they were drunk on vodka

lol? Vodka? Must of been in high demand back then i guess. 2 bottles per soldier haha
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