The situation is obviously very bad in that part of the world, with hundreds of attacks every year. will it require an organized effort between several nations to remove piracy from the region? after all, it is affecting internation trade on a HUGE level (pirates siezed the 3rd-largest oil tanker in the world) and has cost dozens of lives already.
I think people are overestimating the crew of these ships. They are often small-meduim sized, between 15 and 40 men. Most being labourers, used to heavy lifting. They are not trained to fire heavy weaponry like the GAU-8, (which isn't really feasible anyway), or small arms for that matter.
Finally, these ships are a third of a mile long. 40 untrained unarmed men cannot be expected to defend it.
yeah but imagine if it was how bad ass would that be
Same thing the world did for pirates in the 19th & 17th centuries & before that. Military escort. It's an easy solution.
there's thousands upon thousands of ships transporting all kinds of junk so escorting them really wouldn't be feasable
40 untrained unarmed men cannot be expected to defend it.
the only defense against pirates they have right now are floodlights and hoses to knock them off the ship honestly the whole water cannon stuff sounds pretty fun most people have to pay to get into water parks to get that kinda stuff
honestly the whole water cannon stuff sounds pretty fun most people have to pay to get into water parks to get that kinda stuff
Sailing hundreds of miles out to see and risking drifting into the Indian Ocean and dying of thirst/hunger does not sound like fun. Not to mention all the pirates that drown in big storms. But yea, the watercannon part is definitely worth it.
The world really can't do much. There is already an international naval fleet patrolling most of the area where pirate raids are known to happen, but there just is too much water for the international coalation to cover. However, that doesn't mean it isn't working. The French navy just captured 3 ships a few days ago, I do believe.
Send them weapons and ships for information on Bin Laden Thats what we should do
So lets arm and equip them so they can do even better at pirating, in exchange for information that's not even related to the topic and will probably end up getting us nowhere overall.
Despite everyone's points, I'm going back to my original post and say simply arm the crews. The pirates aren't well equipped, so even if the ship's only have a few weapons or a few guards, its often enough to drive off the pirates. Not to mention the fact that those using the weapons would most likely be better trained, have an advantage of ground since the pirates are trapped in small boats while security can move around on the deck, and the fact that the weapons would most likely be superior. We don't need to dedicate a large part of naval fleets in order to stop a problem that those ships aren't equipped for.
Hello again Mike. Look man, that's my aim for America, were basically gonna be attacked by a real country soon at this rate. Besides that, a lot of other country's own us.......................................................................................................................................................
Look man, that's my aim for America, were basically gonna be attacked by a real country soon at this rate.
Equipping pirates isn't going to change that though. Osama isn't really the front-runner in threats anymore, and he doesn't have control over an entire country
a lot of other country's own us
That's true. It'd be good to change that, but after having so many basic public services neglected for so long, its no wonder we have to spend money to bring it back. Still, this is getting off topic
um if the crew of these ships had weapons and actually shot someone pirate or not they would be subject to the laws of a foreign nation ever see Red Corner with Richard Gere yeah it'd be like that and a lot of the time the pirates are a corrupt part of the navy/coast guard and they're normally heavily armed and shooting one of them would be very hard to explain even if they were pirates and even if you do thwart an attempt to take your ship the pirates will just arm themselves better the next time they try to take a ship