ForumsWEPRThe Greatest threat to this Christian Nation

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One hundred and fourty years ago, the homosexual caused a great nation to turn on itself in the Civil War. They covered up the real causes, and blamed it on the colored man.

Today, the secret homosexuals in Congress have slithered into our politics, and created laws and acts in order to run a secret GAY AGENDA.

The purpose is very well known amongst fellow conservative politicians. That the liberal tree huggers want to:

*Contaminate our water supply with pornography
*Destroy the heterosexual man, make everyone gay
*Use "Global Warming" to promote their energy saving birth control products
*Take god out of our schools and souls

Please, what do you think of the Gay Agenda, and what can we do to stop this atrocity?

  • 183 Replies
160 posts

Why can't we talk about something fun once in awhile?!?!?!/!?!?!?!1/!/1/!?!

Thats step #1 of the Gay Agenda!

Eliminate fun so we can all just you kno
179 posts

*Contaminate our water supply with pornography

I'm pretty sure pornography is paper...

Aussinizi, We didn't come from monkeys, we just have the same ancestors as monkeys, totally different things there.

It's different cuz my religion makes sense

Christian , your religion makes sense, but you do not make sense.

Gays **** eachother for porn

yea, straight people beat each other for porn. get it? same difference, less gay spooning.
4,097 posts

Green, can you repost that correctly so I can give a response?


Oh jeez, so many things I have a problem with here. This should be fun.

and created laws and acts in order to run a secret GAY AGENDA.

Alright, so you say that and I'm thinking. Oh jeez, here we ago again, someone else who hates gays and can't stand that gay marriage is being legalized. But nope, it's even more stupid (sorry, couldn't think of a more respectful word) than that.

*Contaminate our water supply with pornography

#1 Water can't have pornography in just can't. That makes no sense.

#2 How in the world is pornography related to homosexuals?

*Destroy the heterosexual man, make everyone gay

Umm...that's pretty much impossible. There's no way to turn every heterosexual man into a homosexual one. Especially not in a society that very much looks down on homosexuals. (Your thread is an example of this, you're saying that they're going to make you become a homosexual?)

*Use "Global Warming" to promote their energy saving birth control products

#1 How is this related to homosexuality?

#2 Energy saving birth control products...umm...I've never heard of such a thing, but it sounds good to me.

*Take god out of our schools and souls

#1 And again, how is this related to homosexuality?

#2 School is to educate students on the facts, God is not a fact. There are other places for that, such as church.

#3 You're saying that they're going to take God out of your soul?

Please, what do you think of the Gay Agenda, and what can we do to stop this atrocity?

I don't see how this agenda is in any way related to homosexuals. I also believe you either made this up or have been watching too much Fox News and other ridiculous conservative news sources.

Oh jeez, there's more. Come on ChristianPatriot, you're really creating a bad name for Christians everywhere when you do this.

You sinner, stop spreading your evillutionist garbage around

You just attacked someone who agrees with

We must place a ban on global warming.

A ban on global warming...a ban on global warming!? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You can't ban something that is happening to nature. You can ban things that speed along the process of climate change, but you can't ban climate change itself. *grumbles about raging lunatics*

@ ChristianPatriot, you and GAGAMEN will be best of friends, I assure you.

Hahaha, I agree.

This is either a joke or the MAD RAMBLINGS OF A COMPLETE, UTTER, ****ING IDIOT.

I vote the latter.

I bet your a stupid mormon

And now you're insulting other really are making a joke out of both yourself and Christianity.

ChristianPatriot, I guarantee you that in only two posts )(a new record, btw) you will have every even ,mildly intelligent person on this site laughing their ***** pof at you.

You've got that right, Alt.

There have been reports of people discovering porn after drinking water.

Oh, really!? That is crazy! You can discover pornography after drinking water...well that obviously means that it's in the water!!! Ya! And the homosexuals in the government did it! That makes sense!! /sarcasm end

There have beens photos of senators in bathroom stalls with eachother.

There's this thing called Photoshop. Oh wait, that's probably a homosexual scam too.

Global warming has been proven a hoax

Oh really? So...what do you think is happening? That's even more ridiculous than the people who say humans aren't causing it. Now you're saying nothing is even happening.

condoms have been proven to prevent babies.

No ****, Sherlock. That's what they're meant to do. What does that have to do with homosexuals?

Go back with your monkeys, EVILUTIONIST

Humans didn't come from monkeys.

God lets christians survive without water. But he only allows true christians, like me to do it. That's why all the Christians in the desert are called Muslims

That may be the most ridiculous thing you've said in this thread. Wait, no, that would be banning climate change.

ChristianPatriot & Aussinizi, you two are officially the most ridiculous people on AG.

But hey, I'm open-minded, change my mind. Argue your point, I'd love you to.

Alright, there we go. Sorry about the double post, a mod can delete the first one if they would like.
160 posts

Okay man...This is getting ridiculous...your a moron, your making yourself look like a fool, and no one here cna even relate or agree on anything youve said in the past five minutes...for the love of respect for you and your name SHUT UP

Oh so your insulting me now? Ill have you know my name is not "nobody"

No sir my name is Dumbledor!

Green, thanks for the repost.

Humans didn't come from monkeys.

They come from JESUS, right?

No ****, Sherlock. That's what they're meant to do. What does that have to do with homosexuals?

Homos dont have to use them

Oh, really!? That is crazy! You can discover pornography after drinking water...well that obviously means that it's in the water!!! Ya! And the homosexuals in the government did it! That makes sense!! /sarcasm end

Ya but did you know 0% of people that dont drink water never discovered porn!?!!
160 posts

Blah I don't understand you people.

what do you mean YOU PEOPLE!?
9,821 posts

@Aussinizi: Lol. Just. . .lol.

1,532 posts

Theres 2 of

1,532 posts

We could call you a couple if thats better =)

3,880 posts

I am John Mccain and I approve of this message

522 posts

Mr.Patriot is the opium of the masses.

179 posts

what do you mean YOU PEOPLE!?

he means you are ignorant of your own disability to vocalize (or type) what is blatantly true, and your constant referral to a skewed vision of Christianity. And he is putting a lasso around you and ChristianPatriot, and putting you in the same category.

Smarter Christians Unite!
332 posts

What evolutionary tree? How is a tree evolutionairy? God you people just blurt out retarded stuf.

You want me to take that literally? Trees adapt to fit conditions, which is why there are different species flourishing in different places. As for the Evolutionary tree, it shows how different forms of life evolved over time, and what their ancestors were.
Oh, and for blurting out retarded stuff, I'd say you're doing pretty well by yourself on that front

So what did we evolve from huH!? Monkeys?

You're thinking about modern day animals. In reality, what you think of as monkey is nothing like what it was a few million years ago. We didn't evolve directly from monkeys, we most likely started out as small mammals and grew from there, changing to suit different environments. We're related to monkeys by a common ancestor most likely.

You **** liberal tree huggers

You damn conservative fear mongers. Hey, look, it works in reverse!

Thats step #1 of the Gay Agenda!

Eliminate fun so we can all just you kno

I'd respond to this comment more in depth if it actually made sense. If you seriously belief any of the stuff your saying, turn off Fox news and go out and see what the world is really like

Ya but did you know 0% of people that dont drink water never discovered porn!?!!

So what you're saying is that people who don't drink water discover porn. Does that honestly make sense to you?

They come from JESUS, right?

Ha. Christianity's ignorance to the world. There are other religions you know...

160 posts

he means you are ignorant of your own disability to vocalize (or type) what is blatantly true, and your constant referral to a skewed vision of Christianity. And he is putting a lasso around you and ChristianPatriot, and putting you in the same category.

Smarter Christians Unite!

Oh big words there "smarter" Christian. Ill have you know, I am 100% ignorant in following JESUS and the (big word) monopolic GOD. That makes me more of a Christian then you.
4,097 posts

Green, thanks for the repost.

No problem.

They come from JESUS, right?

That could be debated. Personally, I believe that we have evolved from a common ancestor.

Homos dont have to use them

Neither do heterosexual people.

Ya but did you know 0% of people that dont drink water never discovered porn!?!!

Wait...are you still trying to side with ChristianPatriot? I've been too busy with my responses to notice.
1,532 posts

Heh ive been noticing when your right about something, they dont respond back to it...scared

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