Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, the troll left, so how about we take it down a notch, hmm? So
yeah, those that pretty much feel attacked by this, just calm down, he'll be taken care
of shortly.
And if he really is here, then look at this: you are entitled to your own opinion, you can
think whatever you want, you can hate whatever you well please. However, in AG, you are
to take a few rules into consideration:
World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc.
All topics welcome. Forum rules apply. (Keep the debate friendly and clean!)
And then there's this: What happened that part about hate being a sin? Quit being a Tom
Buchanan and act like you really do follow a religion. With no flamming please, if that's
Then there's this too: If man was made in God's image, physically and mentally as a whole,
then if there are both heterosexuals and homosexuals, then.... oh boy....
So if you seriously are going to flame anyone, then I suggest I'm going to take you for
a hypocrite. If Jesus, your lord and savior said to 'love your friends and love your
enemies more', then you might as well not be following him at all, as that's one of his
biggest teachings.
Another rule of AG: act maturely, friendly, and respectfully, and others shall do the
same to you. Right now, you got a lot of red eyes looking at you, ChristianPatriot, so I
suggest you clean up your trolling act.