While not all of us may agree with what Rush Limbaugh has to say, he made it abundantly clear that his remark that he wants Obama to fail was based on his belief that Obama is going to try to turn this into a socialist nation. So he basically wants socialism to fail, whether or not it is being offered. 9/11 was eight years ago, you bitch, so don't make jokes about it. It wasn't so funny up in those buildings or in those planes. Even if Rush Limbaugh did say he wanted Obama to fail in repairing the country... 9/11 is too soon to make jokes about.
Way out of line. They tried to repair the situation by putting that going out for hamburgers is the same as making fun of someone and accusing them of terrorism. Why don't we say Bill Clinton blew up the federal building in Oklahoma.
Hahaha, I think calling Obama and his wife terrorists because of a fist bump is more extreme than this. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer, and if he doesn't realize that he isn't a real politician in the slightest and learn to lighten up and take shit every once in a while, he's not gonna last much longer.
That's a matter of opinion; regardless - free country, free speech. There wasn't a 'line' to step over, so I don't think there was a problem with it.
This isn't truly a free country. They're are lines and you don't step over them. We may discuss our beliefs in private or in a debate but not in public. Why do you think even moderate liberals HATE Rush Limbaugh? Because they don't agree with him and really love to push their beliefs on people.
Rush had free speech to say what he would about Obama, but we hate him for it. Likewise, I'm entitled to feel the same way about this comedian as you may feel about Rush. I just find it disgusting that we can make jokes about thousands of innocent lives being lost when it was only a short time ago.
This isn't truly a free country. They're are lines and you don't step over them. We may discuss our beliefs in private or in a debate but not in public. Why do you think even moderate liberals HATE Rush Limbaugh? Because they don't agree with him and really love to push their beliefs on people.
Okay, what are the lines, and where is it written?
Umm.. actually, the whole free speech 'thing' in the first amendment is all about public discourse and debate. Dissent with the government and its policies is and important part of the USA.
Yeah.. lots of people hate Rush... and lots of people hate this comedian. It's a two way street. It doesn't mean they're not allowed to say what they want to say.
@ BigP08
entitled to feel the same way about this comedian as you may feel about Rush.
I don't feel any ire towards him. He's providing a service & people love, and hate him for it. I'm ambivalent.
As for jokes about the loss of life being disgusting, that's certainly a point of view. Humour, however, is also a measure by which many people cope with tragedy. I'm not going to blame them for that.