Apparently, 555 (humans & animals number), 666 (devil's number) and 777 (god's number) count up to 1998. 1998 is the year of the ocean (75% of the earth?). The Christians believe that god created earth.
Yeah it's pretty much a coincidence, and if you think about it that would mean that the devil and the humans/animals created the earth. Proving that god isn't all powerful after all because he has to call on his forsaken angel lackey for some help :P.
And every christian hates the forsaken angel lackey, so they will just trash this idea completely, or find a way in order to get 666 out of there.
Ummm, its not even a coincidence. I mean, just because God created the ocean doesn't mean that it's a coincidence. If it was the year of trees... well God created trees too.
If you take my age divided by the number of accounts I have on Ag, you'll get 12. December is the 12th month of the year, and my sister's birthday is in December. HOW SHOCKING!
Wait what? I do not follow your derailed train of thought. That is like cutting two bodies up and trying to tape them back together with duct tape... It doesnt make sense!