This thread is to have a friendly, non-flaming debate about abortion. Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Pro-Life= There is no choice in abortion. Which means the baby lives, period.
Pro-Choice= You always have the option to choose to abort the baby.
And please follow these rules:
Basic AG rules for a Debate and such-
- No flaming, badgering, spamming, or trolling.
- Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature.
- Do not post for the sake of forum post count... your posts will be removed if we see you posting multiple 5-7 word posts just for points.
- Do not post links to lewd or offensive content. Keep everything Safe for Work.
- Do not post advertising or referral links.
- No excessive swearing or language.
- Turn off your caps lock, do not use excessive ALL CAPS in your posts.
- Do not copy or plagiarize comments.
My additional Rules-
- Do not use any form of anything that supports your side, while HURTING the other sides' opinion. |I.E| A baby has a heart beat, hair, fingernails. That is basically saying the other side is committing murder. So, please, don't use such information.
- Don't try to convert* anyone to your side.
* Basically, just say why you think what you think and why you don't think what the other thinks. Don't go "That is evil or not-right, please, go to Pro-[whatever]".
Ok, enough with the rules now. What I think about abortion is you should have a choice. Because not all babies have come from the person the mother wanted he/she from. Or the baby came by force [rape] and is unwanted. Or if the mother is young, because then if she had no choice she would be in danger herself. And the risk of losing two young lives does out weight the gaining of just one. But that's my opinion, now tell me what YOU think!
Well I am Pro choice. Because I believe that people are entitled to their own opinions and such, whether to keep a their child or to end its life is all up to the mother.
Just like you can't make decisions for other people, I believe that pro-life people should not force their decision upon others. Because it makes people hate them more.
I'm Pro-Life. I feel abortion is against God's plan for us. I also believe that abortion would be an option IF the mother was in severe danger is dying.
Just like you can't make decisions for other people, I believe that pro-life people should not force their decision upon others. Because it makes people hate them more.
I agree. I've learned that the hard way on these forums. I feel it goes both ways though. Don't just blame the pro-lifers, you guys do it too. (And here I go violating the rules...)
I'm not religious, so I'm extremely pro-choice. I don't think we have the right to interfere with peoples lives based on religion, and separation of Church and State should be followed. Unfortunately, since most of the people in power are religious, its not.
I'm not religious, so I'm extremely pro-choice. I don't think we have the right to interfere with peoples lives based on religion, and separation of Church and State should be followed. Unfortunately, since most of the people in power are religious, its not.
Most of my pro-life friends are atheist. This issue does have a lot of religious implications, but you don't have to be religious to be pro-life. I'm religious and I'm pro-choice. Abortion is not just a religious issue.
A fetus is not a person, no matter how much pro lifers want it to be, therefore it's not murder. It is in fact a parasitic mass of unformed cells.
Witholding the right for women to choose what they want to do to their own bodies is a step backwards, and pro-choice legislation is vital in ensuring gender equality.
Say I were a fetus. And my mother wanted an abortion. I really wouldn't care. I have not yet expirienced life to want to live it. My life, if it is a life yet, has been in the uterus.
Don't go "That is evil or not-right, please, go to Pro-[whatever]".
I wasn't trying to persuade anyone, I was stating a verified medical fact. It just so happens many in the pro life camp seem to ignore said fact and base part of their argument on a fallacy.
How can you guys allow women to murder their own babies? Is it not a human if it is born prematurely? Is it OK to murder it then?
Premature babies are not fetus'. In most nations you can't abort fotus' after around 20 weeks or so, and at that point they are very far from being fully formed humans. Thus, having an abortion is no more abhorrent than having a cancerous tumour removed.
pro choice. god doesn't have a say in what we do, mainly because he doesn't exist. you can't have any feelings towards a human that never existed. thats like crying when your imaginary friend some how died.