The people captured in these raids were verified al Qaeda personnel. The intelligence subsequently gathered from them through torture led them to verified al Qaeda members.
The methods current intelligence agencies use mean it is easy to quantify who is giving fake confessions, and who is not.
Even then, there is still a risk someone slips through the net. That's something I'd be willing to live with. I acknowledge others would not.
Even then, there is still a risk someone slips through the net. That's something I'd be willing to live with. I acknowledge others would not.
also, doesn't it kinda make you feel safe to know that the government is willing to cross boundaries to keep the people safe? I know I feel like that sometimes.
also, doesn't it kinda make you feel safe to know that the government is willing to cross boundaries to keep the people safe? I know I feel like that sometimes.
I hate to sound all cliche and post 911 paranoia like, but freedom isn't free. There are people willing to operate outside of the rules in order to destroy the Western culture and way of life. To protect that way of life, there need to be people willing to operate outside of the rules too.