My school just changed from 6 50 minute lessons a day to 5 hour long sessions and that extra 10 minutes a lesson is so exhausting. A whole extra day would be awful unless you get the afternoon of all week so you did the same amount of hours.
To be honest I think it is better to have two day weekends because, then you don't have to focus on school (unless its homework,I hate homework!). It can be much healthier for you (mentally). At least I think it is.
The main thing that should be changed with regards to school hours is the summer holidays. Traditionally, the only reason kids were allowed home for so long was because they ahd to help at harvest time. Preogressive machinery and the dwindling population of farmers means this is no longer necessary.
Trial schools in Essex implemented 5 shorter terms with shorter holidays, raising GCSE passes from 73-88%. I like the idea of shorter terms and holidays. It certainly has lots of advantages.
Even though School is important, I would just refuse to go to school on the 6th day. Man, 2 days of break from school every week isn't enough, so just 1 day would be total crap... >_>.
It'd be a waste of time and money. They hardly teach anything in schools anyway, except for the tests, so you wouldn't learn anything, all it would do is force taxes to be raised to pay the faculty and keep the lights on.
I deal with enough at school for now. If the day was just an optional spare parents could send a child who is lacking in grades it would be good. But then that's just daycare with work, so no point really.
But if it was a full fledged day at school with all the work, homework, deskwork, and schoolwork I would skip two days a week.