You don't need 6 days a week to learn the material in a class. Five days a week with two days off is a nice even distribution. Anymore than that and you risk losing people from information overload.
I guarantee if the school week had an extra day, school boards would try to force more into the curriculum and the teachers would have just as much trouble trying to cram everything into the year/semester and even more people would be left in the dust. Plus bigger projects tend to eat up plenty of your weekends as it is, imagine cutting that time in half.
I wouldn't really care. My life is just a dark abyss....=P no but I really wouldn't care. School is Cool! well hanging out with your friends at school is.
In college I was taking 5 online classes, one class was a combined math class so I could knock out a bunch of credits, I was busy every single day of the week including weekends.
I ended up accomplishing a lot and I still had summers off, so I think having school for only 6 days a week would be a blessing! You could easily have slightly shorter days, but go 6 days a week.
Let's say you have 6 classes, and you go to your first three classes on Monday, Tuesday then Wednesday and then your second three classes on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. All of your work could be spread out and simple.
my first thought would be "great, fu.ckin ediots y the he.ll do they want to make our lives miserable. then i would get my friends together and rebell. me and my friends can be really nasty when we want to so that would be really bad. then we would chase our principle and all the school people out of the country *angry mob* then i would create a new school system. then i would get bored and go do something else.*note this would happen in one day*