What I am asking is, do you as a person feel safe in your country, home, world? Do you feel safe with all the conflict and disorder around you? From the Swine flue to the War on Terrorisim, do you feel safe?
Now I'm not saying, everyone should be going crazy and scared out of thier witts, but I am mearly asking, do you feel safe? Have you ever looked at the world and the major events?
Sure this happens day in and day out, but you as a person continues to live your life, worried about the next school dance or some hot chick that turned out to be guy.....
And I'm not saying thinking about any of that is wrong except for the last one, but is thier a day where the world seems to be heading for a major conflict? With the econemy sloping, and wars being fought over trible stuff, is the world really safe?
i wonder that every day. But yeah, i feel safe. I mean, i live in a place where terrorists attacks are close to nothing, and the swine flu hasnt been an issue. But in the near future, maybe no
I'm not worried about the big issues, like Swine Flu or Terrorism. I'm worried about the attitude of young people, and how being a hardman has changed since I was young.
Back in the day in Lodon, we had soem bad boys for real. Wasn't about knives or guns, so much as knowing what to do with your hands. those boys could really rack. My father, had me on the straight. But like any young man, I wanted to be hard too. So I'd turn up at the house parties where all the tough boys hung. Sheet they knew I wasn't one of them. Them hard kids would come up to me and say ''go home school boy, you don't belong here''. Didn't realise at the time what they were doing for me. Rough as that neighbourhood could be. But we had us a community. Nobody no victim, who didn't matter. But now all we got is bodies and predatory motherfuckes who rip and run. Other day, walked past a crime scene, where some 14 year old kid was shot and stabbed to death. Local kids running round playing guns+knives, glorifying that s***. Makes me sick how far we've fallen as a society.
All these big issues we hear about on the news are just to distract from the fact that everything's already fucked up bad, and no one cares enough to do anything about it.
Well, feeling safe is so relative. In reference to the bigger issues, terrorism, disease, and natural disaster, worry is completely frivolous. These things we are not in control of, the best I can do with terrorism is not play into or believe in stupid stereotypes and treat others well. When it comes to disease, I mean, I wash my hands all the time, and this is about as good as it gets, other than being isolated completely. Natural disaster...everyone needs a bunker lol. Although, day to day, yeah I get scared. I have a general sense of safeness I suppose, but when I drive, people talking on the phone while driving makes me feel uneasy. I don't like to be out in very sparsely populated areas late at night. Though, these things are not too troubling. It is extremely important to have a sense of security in all situations, unless there is immediate perceived danger. It is also important to be able to properly assess the danger within a situation so one isn't reckless. I guess what I'm trying to say is, yes, I feel safe, unless the immediate situation I'm in calls for fear.
If anyone finds themselves feeling unsafe in obviously safe situations should seek help. This could mean you have an anxiety disorder, and it is better to recognize and deal with these types of problems sooner than later. That's my bit.
Im more worried about the day to day grind, like am I going to get into a car accident, or is somebody going to try and mug me, bu even then I don't really worry about it because I can take care of myself in most any situation. As far as things such as terrorism or global issues like the swine flu and what not, I'm not too worried, I till take care to notice it and be ableto tell the signs of something major happening or about to happen I just don't really worry about them until it effects me directly.
I don't feel safe only because the world isn't safe. They're so many things that we, as humans, have to worry about. Some things would be H1N1, wars, natural disasters, death, and even other people. The only time I feel safe is when I am either with cops or with my family. I don't trust anyone in the world. There is a quote that could help you out...
âPlaying safe is probably the most unsafe thing in the world. You cannot stand still. You must go forward.â -Robert Collier