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This place is becoming fox news; every title ending with a question mark

  • 41 Replies
5,579 posts

that might be the most ignorant, blindly conservative thing i have ever heard.

Why? Is it bad to be conservative? You dislike fox, we dislike everybody else. Why? Everybody else is twice as biased. Besides, your liberal. Pushing your ideals on everybody who doesn't agree with you and hailing everyone who does.
263 posts

Besides, your liberal. Pushing your ideals on everybody who doesn't agree with you and hailing everyone who does.

I've heard this a lot before from a lot of people, and it's always puzzled me, particularly when it pertains to social issues.

Yes, liberal people are often as passionate about conservatives. However, when we're talking about social issues such as gay marriage, the typical liberal position is one of giving rights to a particular group, not taking away the rights of others. Flip it for a conservative position.

Therefore, when a liberal person &quotushes" their position, they really do not affect an opposition party in any way; conservative positions, almost by default, attempt to restrict rights from others.

There are exceptions, of course, but that seems to be the general rule.

On topic, I think Fox is a little ridiculous. I'm not saying that networks like MSNBC are not biased the other direction, but I'm not sure any network is as blatantly biased as FOX.
5,579 posts

I've heard this a lot before from a lot of people, and it's always puzzled me, particularly when it pertains to social issues.

Yes, liberal people are often as passionate about conservatives. However, when we're talking about social issues such as gay marriage, the typical liberal position is one of giving rights to a particular group, not taking away the rights of others. Flip it for a conservative position.

Most of what I hear from liberals is not 'social issues' but pro proliferation of government and anti gun laws. Not social issues. And what you just said had an obvious stereotypical bias to it. We do not wish to take away the rights of others, rather we try to keep things the way they are. Many, no, everybody I know that is Republican/Conservative either doesn't care about subjects such as gay marriage or other 'social issues' or is pro whatever that may be. Liberals, or at least the ones I know or know of, are always pushing every useless thing under the sun on people. Things such as anti-gun laws, 5+ trillion dollar stimulus packages or so called 'green friendly' vehicles. While conservatives try to keep thing the way they are, but we are obviously failing miserably.

On topic, I think Fox is a little ridiculous. I'm not saying that networks like MSNBC are not biased the other direction, but I'm not sure any network is as blatantly biased as FOX.

Why? That is one question I have yet to get a straight answer for, so I've resorted to process of elimination. Is it because it is half conservative? Is it because of social influences? Is it because every body else is 100% liberal? Is it because of TV programs such as Bill O'Rielly? Please choose one or create your own and fully elaborate on it.
332 posts

While conservatives try to keep thing the way they are, but we are obviously failing miserably.

Part of the problem with that is that the world needs to change. If we always stay the same, how are we going to make advancements? With a globalized world, we have to change to fit the times in order to stay ahead, not just stick the course. Eventually better course will be found, and instead of sticking with the one we have it'll probably be more beneficial to try and change.

Is it because it is half conservative

Its not half conservative...its 100% conservative....

One of my major problems with Fox is fear mongering. Yes, other stations sometimes do this too, but the way Fox portrays everything it makes it seem like half the world is outright terrorists, and the other half are terrorists in disguise. I mean, if you actually look at some of their headlines, its ridiculous. When a media station relies almost completely on fear to get people to watch it, I'm going to have a problem with it. That's why I like BBC news, as its neutral about almost every subject in the world, and never try's to blow things out of proportion.

1,455 posts

Part of the problem with that is that the world needs to change. If we always stay the same, how are we going to make advancements? With a globalized world, we have to change to fit the times in order to stay ahead, not just stick the course. Eventually better course will be found, and instead of sticking with the one we have it'll probably be more beneficial to try and change.

Just to add, I think conservatives like things to stay the same most of the time while liberals like things to change most of the time. There are advantages and disadvantages to both depending on what's being changed into what.
874 posts

I despise Fox. They just seem like the biggest propaganda machine on TV right now.

99 posts

This thread isn't about Fox News in the first place.

Fox News is huge and they have a massive stake in the news industry, if not the biggest. They have several shows that cover a plethora of topics and industries - politics, domestic, business, international, local, weather, etc. I could go on and on.

263 posts

And what you just said had an obvious stereotypical bias to it. We do not wish to take away the rights of others, rather we try to keep things the way they are.

The position, though, of keeping things "how they are" often means keeping the status quo - which, if you think about it, is not one that gives rights to many people.

There is a reason that progressive parties are the ones that bring about social change for the better, not the ones who are interested in repeating the future. I'm not saying that I agree with the Democratic Party platform, because there are many things I disagree with - some of which you mentioned.

I am, however, saying that, by definition, a liberal and conservative are blatantly different in their feelings on change and the bestowing of rights to the masses.

Why? That is one question I have yet to get a straight answer for, so I've resorted to process of elimination. Is it because it is half conservative? Is it because of social influences? Is it because every body else is 100% liberal? Is it because of TV programs such as Bill O'Rielly? Please choose one or create your own and fully elaborate on it.

I'll point you to Mike412's post, as I agree with much of what he said, but I'll elaborate a little myself.

I suggest that you simply watch videos of FOX coverage, especially where it pertains to an interview of someone liberal or against commonly held conservative beliefs. It quickly disintegrates into a shouting match, not an interview. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on other networks, as well, but the shows in which it occurs are normally ones that are blatantly biased, such as "Countdown" with Olbermann.

I'm not counting O'Reilly, I'm talking about general news broadcasts that promote fear and propaganda whether than news.
3,224 posts

I suggest that you simply watch videos of FOX coverage, especially where it pertains to an interview of someone liberal or against commonly held conservative beliefs.

Their supposed ''Right wing conservative'' views certainly aren#t reflected in their programming. Fox is responsible for ''Family Guy'', the most leftist, propagandistic mind f*** on television.
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