Why did man kind start beleiving in Santa Clause? How come no one is aloud to say the word "Christmas" in stores anymore? Is Christmas really not on December 25? In the bible it says there were shepards watching there sheep. Could they do that in the middle of Winter? Christmas has been changed froma christian holiday to a fake day, fake person (Santa not Jesus), fake reason, and fake word. It's in teh summer. About Jesus coming to be born as a baby, it's not about presents. Man Kind has even messed up on the word it's not "Christmas" anymore now it's Happy Holidays. Who is willing to agree with me that man kind is wrong about this very important day?
December 25th isn't the day Jesus was born (it could have been, but we don't know). One of the Roman Emporers declared it Jesus birthda because he wanted to make Roman festivals have Christian significance. So December 25th might not even mean anything at all, really.
This thread is just another culmination of Christian ignorance.
It's fairly clear that paint didn't realize that Christmas was originally a Christian holiday. That is ignorance. And I wasn't bashing Christians, I was stating that thinking things like this or that Christianity was the first religion or other obviously incorrect things like that are common, at least among the Christians I know- and I know a lot of them. and he said that this was the -real- story of Christmas when he left out the most important parts of the story/didn't know the,m. Either one of those things would be ignorance.,