ForumsWEPRThe REAL story of Christmas

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565 posts

Why did man kind start beleiving in Santa Clause? How come no one is aloud to say the word "Christmas" in stores anymore? Is Christmas really not on December 25? In the bible it says there were shepards watching there sheep. Could they do that in the middle of Winter? Christmas has been changed froma christian holiday to a fake day, fake person (Santa not Jesus), fake reason, and fake word. It's in teh summer. About Jesus coming to be born as a baby, it's not about presents. Man Kind has even messed up on the word it's not "Christmas" anymore now it's Happy Holidays. Who is willing to agree with me that man kind is wrong about this very important day?

  • 19 Replies
332 posts

Happy Holidays. Who is willing to agree with me that man kind is wrong about this very important day?

Its happy holidays since not everyone is Christian and believes in the idea of Christmas. Man kind hasn't done anything "wrong" about "this very important day", its just that you have to accept other peoples beliefs as well, and its insulting to go around saying merry Christmas to everyone when some of those people may be Jewish or Muslim, or any other major religion

As for it being in the summer, its in the winter here, but since not everyone is in the same region its understandable how it might be opposite for some.
Plus, I'd argue that Jesus is just as fake, but that's not what this thread is about.

3,722 posts

I agree with you completely.

1,310 posts

Is Christmas really not on December 25? In the bible it says there were shepards watching there sheep. Could they do that in the middle of Winter?

December is not a winter month for everyone on the planet, you know.

It's speculated that the 25th was chosen to correspond with the solstice or a currently existing roman holiday.

As for being 'wrong' about the day - I don't agree. People celebrate a winter holiday & choose to spend time with friends and family and give gifts to each other. The Religion in it is only relevant to people who are religious, so for people who aren't religious, there's no 'wrong' to celebrating.

If you choose to say happy holidays or merry christmas, that's up to you. People will say what they want to say.

So no, I wouldn't agree with you.
13,657 posts

I would laugh at you if I was not stressed and really exhausted.
Let me take a familiar example (to me):
In Denmark we say merry Christmas. Not happy holidays.
Christmas is on the 24th of December.
And so on.
Father Christmas is an important figure (who was real, as told) as he, like Jesus, cared for the children and the poor, and made sure they were all right.

And yes, Christmas took the place of other traditions and fests, simply because it would make it easier for the pagans and other non Christians to be converted, because all the traditions were still there.
It has been like this for a long time, and it should not really matter anymore.
It is like worrying about how your neighbor celebrates Christmas.

Oh, and now we are at it: Happy Easter as well. Easter break, not spring break - -

565 posts

But if you call it happy hloidays for two holidasy why do't we say it in febuary there is a ton of holidays then. We say Happy Valentines day exc. Christmas wasn't ever about Santa but Jesus when he came to die for us. Now Even Easter is about Bunnies not the resserection.

565 posts

Which is really bad. GAGAMEN are you a christian? How come all the good holidays are being warped to false people with false reasons?

3,826 posts

Considering that it's fairly probable that Jesus never existed, the "real" story of Christmas probably doesn't exist. The Catholic Church never really said Jesus was born on Christmas, they simply absorbed other cults and their holidays. The birth of Jesus is observed on Christmas, but that doesn't mean it has to have happened then.
But if you really want to get technical here, the word Christmas is simply a bastardization of "Christ's Mass." So really the term only applies to Christians who go to mass, i.e. Catholics, Lutherans (I think) I dunno... some other groups of people. Protestant Christians don't call it going to mass, they simply say going to church or service or whatever.

565 posts

@GAGa I meant why do you think man kind took Christmas from the birth of Christ to some guy that goes down chimneys? And Easter how did the Bunny even comeit was about how Jesus was crucified and rose from the grave three days later?

1,310 posts

Paintballer, do you have selective blindness and just not read some of the replies to your post?

The human race hasn't taken anything away from Christ - it's a festival a lot of different people celebrate for a ton of different reasons.

Easter too - was already a festival for many cultures. Is it a surprise that it falls on the spring equinox? In Greek mythology Persephone Goddess of the Earth, daughter of Demeter, returns from the nether regions of the underworld to the Earth on the 21st of March. Her return symbolized the cessation of winter & the birth of life anew in spring.

If you think Christianity has some kind of monopoly on these days, you couldn't be more wrong.

922 posts

The temperature at times in is different in certain places...

424 posts

Man has screwed up the story of Jesus and Christmas. It's about remembering what He did for us. Does it realy matter when it is celebrated? It is a very important part of life and history and it needs to be celebrated.

5,838 posts

but whats bunny got to do with Jesus?

Like HiddenDistance said it to do with Sporing and rebirth. At Easter you get eggs which represents new life as to bunnies since (I think) they breed fast so new life is strong and plentisome... its all symbolism. Anyway I don;t think a kid biting the head off a chocolate Jesus is that good.
3,176 posts

Anyway I don;t think a kid biting the head off a chocolate Jesus is that good.

The mainstreaming of lowered expectations....

But yeah, what Pixie said was generally the point of having bunnies in Easter. Just take what
he said and basically put it into my box for now
356 posts

Well the REAL story of Christmas is that Christmas is an offshoot of the celebration called YULE or you may as well just recognize it for what it really, really is, the winter solstice. Yule was a celebration of death and rebirth, the time of year when there was the most darkness in each day. People would light candles and do rituals to bring back the sun...darkness used to frighten people. Not just because of monsters and the various boogiemen, more importantly it was about crops needed to survive...

356 posts

Oops and sorry for needing to post again but I have to say this as well. It is just another date of significance in the ancient world and with the ancient religions, one being paganism, that christians hijacked and turned into something else.

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